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Hectic 06-02-2007 02:11 PM

Check out this awsome grill
Anyone got some beef patties? Saw this outside of the boneyard today. This Ukrainian (I think) guy saw me about to take a picture of his car (I didn't know it was his) and he started getting all paranoid. "no no, no pictures". So I just told him I only wanted the picture because I thought it was funny and asked him how could he NOT think it was funny that he has a bbq grill bolted up to his ride and also seriously offered to sell him the grill off my car because I have the worst of two I own installed atm.

Anyway, he was just "no, no, no, no" so I said "fine, i'll just drive by another time and take the picture". He got in his car and took off down the road and got stopped at the red light. So I hop in my car drive to the light, pull up on side of him to take a right and poked the camera out the window. He was trying to inch forward so I couldn't take the picture, but I got it. Turned out pretty well considering both our cars were rolling and I snapped it with a $25 digicam:) I'll respect his wishes and cover his license plate.

prappl 06-02-2007 02:26 PM

Not even duct taped on, nice. :shiner:

Quickywd01 06-02-2007 02:53 PM

The gas knob must be inside the car. :lol: Looks hot!

Alex_V 06-02-2007 08:49 PM

Careful it might be a flame thrower LMAO.


Loco7 06-02-2007 10:07 PM

well got to give the guy credit he is original. definitely a 1 off. and somehow i don't think he will have to worry about anyone copying him

jpg90 06-03-2007 11:17 AM

could be from a tank.
looks like something I remember from the military (67-70 )

saxytothemaxima 06-03-2007 07:27 PM

haha. wow. thats.....amazing. lol.

JRS89MAX 06-03-2007 07:38 PM

Ill take 2 dogs and a burger.

Pearl93VE 06-03-2007 08:47 PM


CUKE ME UP SUMN' GUDE LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

get it?! Becuase he has a GRILLE...... as a GRILL!!!!!;lkfsdfdsf

DanNY 06-04-2007 08:45 AM

i like how he kept the nissan emblem thing on the "new" grill.

bLiNg_ThEoRy 06-04-2007 09:36 AM

wow. but it fits so well. LOL

MaximaN00b 06-04-2007 01:24 PM

i wonder if someone told him "you need a new grill" so he thought to himself. I HAVE ONE
thats a funny picture, story is even funnier. lol

ColombianMax 06-07-2007 12:45 AM

dude, you inspire me to take pics of local 3rd gens...i feel so bad when I see those poor beat up machines with funny random things on em!

Would it be stupid to have a sticky with pics submitted by members of their surrounding local super ghettofied 3rd gens? I for one can upload em by the dozens :naughty: oh and I'd probably start with Brians old VE after he stripped it on a main street

Tpmmadmax 06-10-2007 08:03 AM

wow thats different lol

nubiannupe 06-10-2007 08:19 PM

Dat dere's funny... I don' care WHO ya are!! :funny:

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