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shoult 03-30-2008 07:36 PM

What is it about the Gen3?
So what is it about the 3rd Gen that makes you love it? Why do some people who buy newer cars regret selling their Gen3?

Recently I've been worried that my fleet of vehicles is aging to much and thought I should get something newer. After saving cash (I only buy things cash) for a few months I ran across a deal for a 2000 Cougar with a 2.5L V6, 5 spd and 16" wheels with 120K miles.

Monetarily, it was a decent purchase. But after a few short couple months I find myself less then enthused with the car. I mean it has a pretty nice stereo with direct iPod connection. It has decent power. It gets decent gas mileage using regular (is it sad that that's one of the things I like most about this car?). It runs and drives just fine.

But even though the Max has a 10 year older suspension design and 40K more miles then the Cougar I find myself driving the Max more often. It just does what I want it to. It feels more direct. I don't even bring the stereo face plate because the engine song is enough (I know how to turn it up!).

Both cars have the exact same tires on them (Kuhmo Ectsa P225/50R16) yet the 400lb heavier Max feels more connected to the road (yeah, gravity has that effect!), more like it's waiting for me to ask it to do something. The Cougar feels more like it'll do what I ask it, but it's not waiting for it.

The Cougar has more bells and whistles, but the Max seems to have more soul. Boy that sounds strange to say that about a Japanese car.

When I was saving for a new car my goal was a Gen5.5 Max because I wanted the 65hp bump of the 3.5L and the 6spd... oh and the bells and whistles of a newer car. But I got worried that Murphy would spot my wad o cash and design something to suck it up. So I bought a lesser vehicle before Murphy succeeded.

So while I STILL think I need to have a newer car, I"m now thinking I should save money, sell the Cougar and the tool chest (88 Aerostar) and possibly keep the Gen3.

BTW, this whole issue came up after a 3 hour trip last week in the Cougar and a 4 hour trip today in the Max. Even with all the wind noise of the dryed out door and sunroof seals, and the louder muffler and no stereo, the Max was a more enjoyable ride.

CapedCadaver 03-30-2008 07:40 PM

Psh, these things are timeless. Get a decently running 3rd gen for $2000, dump $5000 in for detail-oriented mechanical restoration, and drive it for another 200k. Or get a newer car you don't like for $7000 straight up? I'd take the first route every time, with a $1000 beater to get me by on extended repair projects.

but if you look at my plans for what to do with my car.... finish clutch/swap-related stuff, rebuild entire suspension and brakes, new wheels/tires & fix the car's cosmetics (and a few custom mods here and there), swap engine for parts car engine and rebuild original engine with all new bearings/rings/machining/gaskets/seals/CLEANUP/injectors and put it back in again.

tripleGmax 03-30-2008 08:47 PM

you know what it is as soon as you drive one. mod one and it feels even better. miss mine...i may get another who knows....

goon9 03-30-2008 08:47 PM

Few reason...

First car I bought after high school.
-Love at first test drive... (0-100mph on a 35mph st.)
-Took me across the country several times under Poor mechanical conditons and lived.
-It brought me to pick up the girl I married from canada.
-Brought home my first and 2nd born in it.

I donno... I just love the damn thing LEAVE ME ALONE!

shoult 03-30-2008 08:48 PM

[QUOTE=capedcadaver;6328297]Psh, these things are timeless. Get a decently running 3rd gen for $2000, dump $5000 in for detail-oriented mechanical restoration, and drive it for another 200k. Or get a newer car you don't like for $7000 straight up? I'd take the first route every time, with a $1000 beater to get me by on extended repair projects.[QUOTE]

Yeah, I don't think that I'm going to dump big money into my VE. It runs, brakes and handles pretty well which is why I like it. It's still pretty much rust free. But it IS getting older. Like I said, I'm thinking that I should sell the 00 Cougar and the 88 Aerostar. That put together with a few $K and that should get me something newer/better. That would still leave me the Gen3 and the 93 Aerostar and whatever I buy.

If I move this fall I may be restricted to owning two vehicles which would then mean the Max would have to go since having a van is just too useful as a second vehicle. I think I would miss the Max no matter what I get though.
I bought it in 2002 for $1500 and put about $1500 into it and it's taken me this far. It owes me nothing at this point.

It does need some work whether I keep it or sell it. I'll get to those issues this spring. I'll just continue to enjoy it while I have it.

CapedCadaver 03-30-2008 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by shoult (Post 6328430)
Yeah, I don't think that I'm going to dump big money into my VE. It runs, brakes and handles pretty well which is why I like it. It's still pretty much rust free. But it IS getting older. Like I said, I'm thinking that I should sell the 00 Cougar and the 88 Aerostar. That put together with a few $K and that should get me something newer/better. That would still leave me the Gen3 and the 93 Aerostar and whatever I buy.

If I move this fall I may be restricted to owning two vehicles which would then mean the Max would have to go since having a van is just too useful as a second vehicle. I think I would miss the Max no matter what I get though.
I bought it in 2002 for $1500 and put about $1500 into it and it's taken me this far. It owes me nothing at this point.

It does need some work whether I keep it or sell it. I'll get to those issues this spring. I'll just continue to enjoy it while I have it.

rebuilt engine, rebuilt tranny, rebuilt suspension, new brakes and tires, and it is a newer car. That just happens to have been built in the early 90s... that's how I look at it anyways. I'm buying myself a newer car part at a time.:D

jonmandude 03-31-2008 01:26 AM

You said yourself, the car has a "soulful feel" to it. There is just a feeling about the 3rd gen that get's into you. It definitely touches you in some undescribeable way. After driving one, and owning one, it becomes something that you feel you have missed and are happy to have found. Some cars are like that. the 3rd gen Maxima is one of those cars

Hectic 03-31-2008 01:40 AM

Oh god, not another one of these threads.

maximagician 03-31-2008 02:23 AM

:o...meh, I'd buy a brandnew car but.....
im too lazy to get my change jar:laugh:

mikekantor 03-31-2008 07:58 AM

I like the lines, the stance, the lower trunk line (compared to modern cars where its so high that you have far less rear view), and the simplicity of driving it and working on it. This is also the car I've been using as a platform to develop my wrench skills little by little.

I've driven many newer cars, and the only things I've liked about them over mine where the better paint and occasionally higher power.

The one newer thing I do want is rain-sensing wipers... but I'm starting to wonder about transplanting them in from another car.

akurtzer57 03-31-2008 08:36 AM

Is what I love the most it is just solid in a way. You get in like a Honda Ford whatever else it just feels like its going to fall apart. I guess is what im trying to say it that is well built and built to last a long time. Plus anything is possible to do with it.

Cliff Clavin 03-31-2008 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 6328676)
Oh god, not another one of these threads.


It's a bit slow in the 3rd gen forum again.

Here are the reasons I have it:

1) it's totally paid for
2) I like driving it
3) it's a good compromise between sport and luxury
4) it drives good in the snow with snow tires on
5) pretty reliable
6) decent on gas mileage

I have been trying to sell mine, but no one wants to pay for a nice one. It seems like everyone is happy going cheap and buying a beater off of CL.

I am glad people are still into the 3rd gens. With all of the newer cars out there, these are starting to be more and more rare. I don't see many on the roads anymore. It is extremely rare to see one in good shape. 90 percent of the ones I see have bad dents, trashed interior, broken lights, taped up windows (don't know how to fix regulators, apparently) and mismatched wheels.

Greeny 03-31-2008 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by Cliff Clavin (Post 6329010)
It is extremely rare to see one in good shape. 90 percent of the ones I see have bad dents, trashed interior, broken lights, taped up windows (don't know how to fix regulators, apparently) and mismatched wheels.


Thats pretty much what i see in my area also, mismatched fenders/doors/'s sad.:(

alextothestars 03-31-2008 08:57 AM

they are very well built (when they were still made in japan...besides the exhaust manifold issues) and attractive. not to mention comfortable and practical for a good price. they are a bit of a rarity these days ( i see 4th and 6th gens all of the time).

and the timeless 4DSC sticker....

subs1000w 03-31-2008 09:05 AM

part of its sentamental value i figure ive gone this far and put this much into it and i know if i ever did get rid of it i will greatly regret it

the other part is it still makes me smile every time i drive it and it looks pretty good considering how old it is i still have "non car people" ask me what year this is and when i tell them they look shocked thinking it was newer

Thanatos 03-31-2008 09:39 AM

there are a few 3rd gens around my town. mostly driven by older women. no affence to the ladies. but i have looked at most and they are all autos. i havent seen any se's. so the se's are rare around here. i love mine and it is in mint shape. other than the ****y foam spoiler. and as far as power, man this thing can bust some . i'll keep mine for a long time. there is so many things i am wanting to do to it. and since i sold my jeeps. my se is the only toy now. wheels, paint, tint and hp mods coming.[/IMG]

CapedCadaver 03-31-2008 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by Cliff Clavin (Post 6329010)

It's a bit slow in the 3rd gen forum again.

Here are the reasons I have it:

1) it's totally paid for
2) I like driving it
3) it's a good compromise between sport and luxury
4) it drives good in the snow with snow tires on
5) pretty reliable
6) decent on gas mileage

I have been trying to sell mine, but no one wants to pay for a nice one. It seems like everyone is happy going cheap and buying a beater off of CL.

I am glad people are still into the 3rd gens. With all of the newer cars out there, these are starting to be more and more rare. I don't see many on the roads anymore. It is extremely rare to see one in good shape. 90 percent of the ones I see have bad dents, trashed interior, broken lights, taped up windows (don't know how to fix regulators, apparently) and mismatched wheels.

and rarer yet to see someone take the time and effort to bring a beater back to life. My car was OKwhen I got it, then I inadvertently trashed it a little bit, now I'm waiting until I can fix it all back to how I want it. There's now stains on the paint, a few scratches and dents here and there, paint peeling on the wheels, and the rear fascia is held together with tape... not to MENTION the interior. OH the horror. But it's got to get worse before it can get better, right? I'll get it to where it needs to be. Maybe not MOTM quality, but I hope to at least have respect within our forum.

Every time I get mad at my car for sucking and go off driving something else for a trip, I realize just how good this car is. My mom's car has to shift at 4k just to make end's meet... stupid 2.2L a/t. Then i get back in my car and the only thing i miss from hers is the brakes. Not to mention how cool my car looks in profile now that it's kinda SE-ish.

Pearl93VE 03-31-2008 10:35 AM

It's funny, I was just having this conversation with my cousin and some friends on Friday Night.

In fact, every one of my friends who have ridden in it give me compliments on it; the power, the rigidity, the stiffness, how comfortable the seats are, the sound of the engine, how it can take a curve.... the list goes on. It's just exactly how I want my car to feel, and it does it with poise, unlike so many newer cars I've driven.

I just love it, even little things that I think I'm the only one who notices, like when I wash it... I absolutely love the lines added on to the front and rear like:

It's SO easy to see out of and I can maneuver it anywhere... I drove a Chevy HHR the other day with 6 people in it and thought I was going to kill myself, you can't see out of those things AT ALL.

I don't know... it's just a good car.

Jmahad01 03-31-2008 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by Thanatos (Post 6329092)
there are a few 3rd gens around my town. mostly driven by older women. no affence to the ladies. but i have looked at most and they are all autos. i havent seen any se's. so the se's are rare around here. i love mine and it is in mint shape. other than the ****y foam spoiler. and as far as power, man this thing can bust some . i'll keep mine for a long time. there is so many things i am wanting to do to it. and since i sold my jeeps. my se is the only toy now. wheels, paint, tint and hp mods coming.[/IMG]

Wow. That drop makes those sawblades look very good for stock wheels. Very clean car. Makes me want to go out and wash mine. As for my max, I love it simply because I owned a Kia before it. Need I say more. ;)

Cliff Clavin 03-31-2008 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by 94maxteamrtv (Post 6329255)
Wow. That drop makes those sawblades look very good for stock wheels. Very clean car. Makes me want to go out and wash mine. As for my max, I love it simply because I owned a Kia before it. Need I say more. ;)

After looking at his pics earlier, it's not necessarily the drop. I think it is the way he painted the lower trim body color. It makes the car look lower and like it has a kit on it.

When my car was lowered and had the sawblades, I don't think it looked that good. Mine looked better with the dark wheels I had on it. Too bad I sold them. I have been searching CL for a decent deal on some more, but no luck.

GRNMAXDMON 03-31-2008 04:20 PM

i've had my 3rd gen since Dec. '99. wrecked it in June '01 and got it back in Aug. '01. went through hell with it cuz of the exhaust leaks, 3 auto trannies crapping out, and some other kinks here and there. took care of all those problems in 2005 with a low mileage motor, 5spd conversion, new suspension and other misc. stuff. bought another 3rd gen which was my old '89 SE 5spd which i fixed it a bit and sold it for twice the amount i paid for. i've had friends ask me what year it is since they have told me that my car is in great shape except for the paint since i still have get a new paint job. even though its an old car i still love it and i don't think i will get rid of it. once i get my new car which is somewhere in the atlantic ocean on a ship making its journey over to the states, i will park my 3rd gen in my backyard and just keep working on it.

maxima-junky 03-31-2008 07:09 PM

[IMG][/IMG] about you guys but what sole me on third gens is this fact: I have some customers who live in some high rent districts(lets just say) who can afford brand new cars. I met on dude who had about 20k invested in his 92 se 5spd. He eradicated his body rust rebuilt his vtcs and had a turbo running among many many other mods. I asked him why would he invest that kinda money in a old a$$ Japanese car? He said why not I love the car and "I'm never gonna get what it's worth to me selling it". The third gen Nissan Maxima was way ahead of it's time and sports sedans are just starting to undertand the appeal and catch up. You can't un ring the bell however. My thirds a work in proggress.

braxsusriely 04-01-2008 08:00 AM

just because
1. Doesn't have ABS
2. No Rev limiter / Governer ( no repairs internally and my DAD!! made it do 143!:eek:)
3. Rareish in my area, ( southern nh )
4. Looks good!

194k miles getting ready for the 200k!

xx-Marshall-xx 04-01-2008 08:30 AM

1. Love the roar of the intake (I get a lot of compliments of it sounding nice)
2. The only modded looking 3rd gen around where I am, except when Aaron92se passes though ha
3. As Cliff Calvin said, its totally paid for ha!
4. Better than a Ford Exploder (I bought one since I blew my max's tranny to peices)
5. The girls like the leather. :laugh:

GRNMAXDMON 04-01-2008 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by xx-Marshall-xx (Post 6330994)
1. Love the roar of the intake (I get a lot of compliments of it sounding nice)
2. The only modded looking 3rd gen around where I am, except when Aaron92se passes though ha
3. As Cliff Calvin said, its totally paid for ha!
4. Better than a Ford Exploder (I bought one since I blew my max's tranny to peices)
5. The girls like the leather. :laugh:

same here except for #2.

4signs 04-01-2008 05:47 PM

I have had my 3rd gen for over 13yrs and I dont think I would ever get ride of it. I have bought and sold/traded several cars since I had the max but for some reason I got attached to it. Maybe its the 400whp:D

Kountz430 04-01-2008 06:21 PM

its just those classy lines it does'nt take much to make it look good. plus it can keep up with quite a few newer cars for its age.A nicely done 3rd gen will get a thumbs up from anybody.Im pretty sure its happen to all of us 3rd gen owners. I get thumbs up even with the big @$$ dent in the quarter panel u can see it a lil in my adds more downforce:D

Uberhass 04-01-2008 08:59 PM

1) Its the first car I've owned
2) I learned to drive stick on this car
3) Looks like a 1996-1998 camry only sportier
4) Its a sleeper
5) I can work on it myself
6) The simple satisfaction I get out of pulling up to stupid acura integra and civic si's and leaving them behind, then the funny looks i get at the next light when they pull up wondering "what the F***, thats a sedan"

shoult 04-02-2008 10:28 AM

One more thing I like about the Gen3 over other cars...

The Gen3 community.....

There are knowledgeable people willing to help noobies, even when they ask stupid questions that have been asked a BaZillion(tm) times and answered in detail in the FAQs.

Sort of reminds me of the mail lists (which I proudly hosted for about 8 years) in feel.

VEvolution 04-02-2008 04:30 PM

If you have to ask....


CapedCadaver 04-02-2008 04:54 PM

or how about the fact that i've got 2 broken studs causing 2 separate exhaust leaks, a cold misfire, and i still manage 27mpg on a heavy V6 car.

Alex_V 04-02-2008 05:37 PM

1) timeless looks
2) not too small and not too big
3)3L V6 and good mpg
4) paid for
5)great potential

Plus it was my first car (not the exact one I had but same year and trim tho...) and its just a great car. So fun to drive and nice highway cruiser on trips.

That and I paid $300 and about that in its been cheap too. That total will start going up soon though...


xx-Marshall-xx 04-02-2008 08:51 PM

does anyone LOVE the smell of their maxima?....

for some reason... I noticed it tonight when i opened my door. and I said... I really love the smell of my maxima. Its smelled like this since i got it almost 3 years ago!!!

i really do though... its funny

mikekantor 04-02-2008 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by xx-Marshall-xx (Post 6334414)
does anyone LOVE the smell of their maxima?....

for some reason... I noticed it tonight when i opened my door. and I said... I really love the smell of my maxima. Its smelled like this since i got it almost 3 years ago!!!

i really do though... its funny

Clearly your interior has never been flooded. Smells great after a shampoo and a scrub though.

CapedCadaver 04-02-2008 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by xx-Marshall-xx (Post 6334414)
does anyone LOVE the smell of their maxima?....

for some reason... I noticed it tonight when i opened my door. and I said... I really love the smell of my maxima. Its smelled like this since i got it almost 3 years ago!!!

i really do though... its funny

not me! my tools are wet and stanky. need to dry them out in the sun.

VEvolution 04-02-2008 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by xx-Marshall-xx (Post 6334414)
does anyone LOVE the smell of their maxima?....

Yep. Smells more homey then my Bimmer. I think it's the cloth seats. :cool:

xx-Marshall-xx 04-02-2008 09:48 PM

Originally Posted by mikekantor
Clearly your interior has never been flooded. Smells great after a shampoo and a scrub though.

ha... ive had my sun roof open and it freakin rained... i was pretty damn mad

maybe its the leather :chuckle: ... cuz DUDE... ive had a dead lizard in my air vents HOLY hell that was some rank s***, then i blew the blower to Lvl 4 and it flew out lmao gross

but its all back to smelling good again (that was a year ago)

CapedCadaver 04-02-2008 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by xx-Marshall-xx (Post 6334517)
ha... ive had my sun roof open and it freakin rained... i was pretty damn mad

maybe its the leather :chuckle: ... cuz DUDE... ive had a dead lizard in my air vents HOLY hell that was some rank s***, then i blew the blower to Lvl 4 and it flew out lmao gross

but its all back to smelling good again (that was a year ago)

wait a second are you ****ing SERIOUS?!?!?! i thought my leaky trunk was bad. and believe me it was... but damn.

xx-Marshall-xx 04-03-2008 12:18 AM

yeah dude... and for 3 months... me and EVERYONE who rode in my car didnt know wtf that smell was... I thought it was just a bad air freshener... oh man it was horrible :laugh:

I got:

"Whats that smell?"
"Wtf is that smell?"
"Ah man, windows down!"
"Damn dude...something crawl in your car and die?" <--- lol I know that now!

CapedCadaver 04-03-2008 05:42 AM

Originally Posted by xx-Marshall-xx (Post 6334628)
yeah dude... and for 3 months... me and EVERYONE who rode in my car didnt know wtf that smell was... I thought it was just a bad air freshener... oh man it was horrible :laugh:

I got:

"Whats that smell?"
"Wtf is that smell?"
"Ah man, windows down!"
"Damn dude...something crawl in your car and die?" <--- lol I know that now!

and when you turned on the blower to level 4 it just... flew out..?

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