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infinimax96 01-25-2012 04:33 AM

My Max Hit & Run Caught on Video!
On 01/21/12 My Maxima was hit in the parking lot of my work. I was unable to catch the guy or get a license plate number so I'm likely biting the bullet on this one. I did however catch him in action and got a good mug shot of the guy. Hope I find him or he gets whats coming to him.

What comes around, goes around.

Enjoy the video. Please share, comment, rate.


19GLE97 01-25-2012 05:17 AM

that sux dude.....but very nice video!

cjandura 01-25-2012 05:19 AM

Man you should try sending a copy of this to your local news station.up here we have a station that goes around to normal citizens and helps solve problems.

bgruhn76 01-25-2012 06:05 AM

Wow, that sucks man. Hope you catch that SOB! That's just gutless! I'm sure you already did this, or at least thought of it, maybe turn in that info to local PD and tell them he looked like he tried to rob the joint. LOL That might get them motivated. Well good luck man.

tigersharkdude 01-25-2012 06:16 AM

Originally Posted by bgruhn76 (Post 8341036)
maybe turn in that info to local PD and tell them he looked like he tried to rob the joint. LOL That might get them motivated. Well good luck man.

This is illegal, a grand or so in parts is cheaper than a spot on your record for making a false police report

bgruhn76 01-25-2012 06:18 AM

It was a joke...hence the LOL

asand1 01-25-2012 07:00 AM

Police and local news. A douche like that probably has a mugshot on file.

JNCoRacer 01-25-2012 07:51 AM

I didnt see him actually hit your car. Was too busy watching the girl at the RedBox machine.

D I R T Y I 3 0 01-25-2012 07:55 AM

Wow that blows, but it seems that you have sufficient evidence to nab this guy. Have you done as everyone has suggested and reported it to news and authorities?

ChrisMan287 01-25-2012 07:58 AM

Ouch. What's the damage to the vehicle?

T_Behr904 01-25-2012 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by cjandura (Post 8341011)
Man you should try sending a copy of this to your local news station.up here we have a station that goes around to normal citizens and helps solve problems.

Agreed... and OP, what's up with the soundtrack to the vid? It's not quite what I was expecting. :laugh:

MaxiNone 01-25-2012 09:25 AM

my bad yo, i was in a hurry.

jk, i know how it feels to go to your car and see a big a$$ dent because someone backed into it. happened to me 3 timesone year, and within 4-5 months time...

ShocknAwe 01-25-2012 09:33 AM

What a douche. If you hit someones car at least be man enough to take responsibility for it. My ex gf said someone "hit" my car when I was away and broke my taillights and bent my bumper a little bit. I know damn well she did it and to replace the taillights? she bought me damn altezzas. Either way simple fender benders suck because insurance wouldnt do much for ya and its all pretty much on you to fix it. GL catching him

Shift_A32B 01-25-2012 09:40 AM

That sucks. Reminds of the time when I got rear-ended by a Altima and the guy fled. My quarter panel got messed up, my rear bumper and my taillights. I managed to get the plates but the car was registered to a place that doesn't exist anymore. Just be happy your damage wasn't big. Good luck finding him.

TommyNtama 01-25-2012 09:46 AM

Dude someone backed into mine and scraped a lot of the paint off. The kid was freaked out but he still had enough balls to stay there and let me know. That guy is a total ***** for running man. And yes, he did look like a douche.

1997MAXZ 01-25-2012 10:02 AM

what a **** move

Phromethius 01-25-2012 11:10 AM

Originally Posted by T_Behr904 (Post 8341190)
Agreed... and OP, what's up with the soundtrack to the vid? It's not quite what I was expecting. :laugh:

The sound track was flippin AWESOME! Elevator/Lounge tunes. It fit so incredibly well. <--- No sarcasm, it was entertaining!

Front end damage adds up quick, that does still really suck though :/

maxed_out_99 01-25-2012 11:19 AM

Dude that's bogus but the music is hilarious

max1008 01-25-2012 11:36 AM

That really sucks! Someone did something similar to my wife's Odyssey. But hers was brand new, and we didn't notice it until that evening.

svezarov 01-25-2012 12:48 PM

Isn't the term "hit & run" suppose to be used only when a person is hit? Your case is just bump and no pay...
Even if you find who the person is you will have hard time to make him pay for your repairs. You will have to involve your insurance, have to go to court, need to present prove, witnesses before judge and only if you win he/his insurance will pay. It will take about an year or more to win the case and will cost you couple of hundred dollars plus lost time to go 5 times to the court. The grill + the hood will cost you less.

fr33 01-25-2012 01:23 PM

fu*ked up ...he get wht he deserves trust me ..ive did a hit and run before ..and now i have no car lol

infinimax96 01-25-2012 01:48 PM

I figured the music would help lighten the mood, he is after all a troll for hitting my car.

jholley 01-25-2012 04:27 PM

Good luck in catching the bastard.

Rods03Max619 01-25-2012 04:42 PM

Damn that sucks, he must of said ah not that bad...and left what Fcuking idiot...GL on getting the guy to fork over the cash for repairs...:D

ImStricken 01-25-2012 05:46 PM

i had to watch it again, simply for the music lol

-anyway, correct me if im wrong, but your in a fire-zone, no?

Trini Boom 01-25-2012 05:58 PM

That's a $500 OEM hood at least...catch that sucka and let him pay! Give it to authorities...

mrjasonlyrics 01-25-2012 06:03 PM

Atleast when you find him he can't tell the cops that he didn't know he hit you. He clearly came out,check the damages and boggied. Thought he'd get away :yeahright

AznRyan 01-25-2012 06:36 PM

I got a club, if you wanna buy it. Won't keep your car from being stolen, but helps you beat the everlovin' crap outta someone for doing some low blow **** like that. Sorry to see what happened to your car :/

infinimax96 01-25-2012 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by JNCoRacer (Post 8341122)
I didnt see him actually hit your car. Was too busy watching the girl at the RedBox machine.

Yeah, she has a great ***.

Regardless, I've already started to fix it. I've pulled body parts from a 1998 yesterday. Hood, headlight, grill all for $76.00 I plan to get them painted over the summer (they are Dark green). until then I'll just have to drive around with a green front end.

infinimax96 01-25-2012 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by ImStricken (Post 8341692)
i had to watch it again, simply for the music lol

-anyway, correct me if im wrong, but your in a fire-zone, no?

No that isn't a fire zone, It's actually zoned for parking. It has a lane and everything. I've never been hit there before and have always parked there. It's almost 2 car lengths away from the front parking spaces. Anyone can easily park without my car in the way.

Originally Posted by mrjasonlyrics (Post 8341716)
Atleast when you find him he can't tell the cops that he didn't know he hit you. He clearly came out,check the damages and boggied. Thought he'd get away :yeahright

Exactly why I copied the footage.

svezarov 01-26-2012 07:05 AM

Again guys, I don't want to sound negative and pour cold water on your excitement about the "give him to the cops" idea, but things don't work that way. First of all cops don't even write report if one car hits another at a parking lot. If it is not on the "road" and more than $1500 in damages (depending on state I suppose) they don't bother. You have to go the insurance way + court.
I think the OP is doing the right thing by fixing it. If he paints it himself, the total is going to be a bit more than $100 and voilą.

SethGreen 01-26-2012 07:19 PM

my JDM h22a prelude was destroyed by 2 kids when I was at my parents house. they stole a truck and came through the neighborhood destroying everything. they crashed into the front of my car then pushed it into my neighbors yard...they were 14 and 15. this world is full of ****ty people whom have no respect for property.

Slo4Do 01-26-2012 08:10 PM

Originally Posted by svezarov (Post 8341460)
Isn't the term "hit & run" suppose to be used only when a person is hit? Your case is just bump and no pay...
Even if you find who the person is you will have hard time to make him pay for your repairs. You will have to involve your insurance, have to go to court, need to present prove, witnesses before judge and only if you win he/his insurance will pay. It will take about an year or more to win the case and will cost you couple of hundred dollars plus lost time to go 5 times to the court. The grill + the hood will cost you less.

It's hit & run for person or property, and it's leaving the scene of an accident. Depending on the amount of the damage, it can elevate the charges as well. He shouldn't have a problem proving who hit him in court with video and the police proving that he either owns the vehicle or was driving it at the time. If the OP really wants to get technical he could measure the height of each vehicle and prove that it was possible for that truck to do the damage as well. I would rather take the jacka$$ who hit my car to court for damages, get him dropped from his insurance, and then sue him in small claims court for my time away from work. If he doesn't have the money to pay the small claims judgement, then I'd put a judgement on his credit report so that he couldn't get a thing until he paid me.

seanwn 01-28-2012 10:56 PM

That sucks big time. Sorry.

Somebody mentioned fleeing the seen, I was advised that in utah, to knowingly(which he did) to leave the seen or not make a "reasonable effort" to contact the owner takes the charges way up. So I hope you find the guy..
But I have zero faith in police. My brother's business was broke into in SLC. He had $60k worth of cell phones and monitors and computers. After several weeks, boiled down to him having to insurance claim it. He even turned the gps's on(which showed two very specific addresses). Police literally told him "it's not worth our time".
If I see him, I'll surely cut him off for you though.

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