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jnm2kse 11-06-2000 02:12 PM

Well I went to the dealer today with the intention of finding out if my car is the only one that has the squeaky engine mounts....went out in the lot with the SM with the keys to a beautiful 2001 Satin Blue SE and a 2001 Sterling Mist SE.

Fired the engines up and let them run for a good 4 minutes...did my test....chirp...oh sh!t...........

Both of thses brand new 2001 SE's made the same chirp that my car does albeit not quite as loud...the chirps were definetly there though... :( I am so pissed...I feel like a fool..

A) For one thing, I kept insisting that this noise was not normal as I had tested a friends 8/99 build and it did not chirp....egg on my face.

B) Apparently since I've always had this noise I've screwed myself because the 1st 2 sets of mounts did not screech as bad as mine do now.....

I can't believe that a car that has a 26K sticker on it makes this noise...just unbeliveable... :( Actually makes me a little ill...

I want to put my old mounts back into the car but the SM said sorry, he can't put what is considered used parts back into my car...hmmm...yeah, I know where they came from....

Well I said if I found other Maximas that did this, shame on on me.....Since it is an extra added feature which I find unacceptable (at least the volume level in my car), my options are to still fight Nissan to at least get quieter mounts in the car or suck it up and shut up and stop using up jambos bandwith...or eat a boatload of cash and set her free...The chirp is that bad in my car...

It is embarrassing to creep along in traffic with the car sounding like a cricket mobile....totally bummed out :(

But the proof was there right in front of me....3 2001 Max SE's that chirped away BUT at a lot lower volume....I could never hear the chirps inside of the car while was driving but now I can.

Well gonna have to push Nissan to see if I can get a quieter set.

My apologies to everyone for basically barking up a tree :(

Paul6speed 11-06-2000 02:38 PM

Turn up the music. You'll lose a ton of cash if you get rid of it.

xydavid 11-06-2000 03:07 PM

I've never noticed a noise in mine. I'll try and listen for it. I don't think I can hear it in the cabin, and I often have my windows rolled down.

Dany 11-06-2000 03:14 PM

Hey you tested the Autos right?
Cause, maybe I am playing my music too loud ;), but I can't hear any chirps. Only thing that I hear when I have everything off (stereo, climate control). I hear that kind of sound, sounds like the vent is still working, somebody told me that is how the intake system sounds now. I don't know really.

Man that sucks that they all make that sound, strange though that nobody else with Autos on this board noticed the same chirping sound as you did.

Good luck.
Come to the meet I want to hear the chirping. ;)

Oh yeah, want to see one mirrored Max. Some mofos this weekend broke off my driver side mirror ;(. Man I hate people like that.

mdeal 11-06-2000 04:11 PM

Here is what the chirping sounds like: and choose "Issues".

Note: jnm2kse supplied the noise

2000MaximaSE 11-06-2000 04:32 PM

Thats it thats it. I have read about your squeaks for the last few months, so im finnaly gonna check my car and see if it squeaks too. Ill let you all know...


2000MaximaSE 11-06-2000 04:40 PM

ok i tested my car, i couldnt hear a squeak. All i heard was a very faint click after i feathered the gas. That was only with the door open and radio off. IF this is what your hearing tou have been complaining waayyyyyy to long.. If not i apologize...


TimW 11-06-2000 04:52 PM

ummm, hello? did you listen to his wav?
thats horrible. Mine did that once for a few days and it went away, however I think mine was belts getting wet. Thats sad to hear that the new 2k1's do that too. still doesnt make it right.

2000MaximaSE 11-06-2000 05:02 PM

Didnt listen to the wav. Would have but there are no speakers on this computer and the other computer doesnt have aol. Damn pieces of crap...... This one will probably freeze in the next 10 or 15 min too


mdeal 11-06-2000 05:44 PM

Mine makes no noise such as that...

Do you think jnm2kse will "go over the edge" when he sees the grasshopper I integrated into the page? :eek:

jnm2kse 11-06-2000 07:43 PM Matt
I actually think it is kinda funny :D Actually really funny...I guess all I can do now is laugh.........

Adam....did you let you car run for more than 3 or 4 minutes? If you do the test with the engine cold, it sounds great until 3 or 4 minutes...then the chirping starts. Believe me would definitely know if your car did this....try to play the wav when you get some speakers that work....ack! Best way to test is to lift the hood and stick your head in there(not to close!) and control the throttle via the cable...better with 2 people as your buddy feathers the gas, get your head down under the car under the should scream at you

I've decided to be a dink (heh more so than I already am believe it or not) Service Manager wants me to come down and pick up all the paperwork to close everthing out....I'm going to wait a few days...I placed another call with Marcel at Nissan NA Consumer Affairs....we have been playing phone tag for about 5 calls now...after telling me to call him if I still had any problems with what the Nissan Field Tech told me(which I did)he went on to say he couldnt understand why I still have an issue if the Nissan Tech had said the car was fixed?


And after all that he ends the message by saying that if I still had an issue regarding the mounts, please call him?? What are they feeding these people in CA???

Well I called him..oh man did I call him..I took up all of his answering machine I think...told hime that yes, I did hear 3 other Maximas make this noise atlthough they seemed to be many decibels lower than what my car sounds like. I also told him how much I thought it sucks(not verbatim) that Nissans Flagship sedan sounds like a 1972 Pinto on crack with a bad serpintine belt. Praised my dealer for really doing all that they could do but now the ball is in Nissans court. I explained to him that perhaps this noise is evident in all maximas but mine is a little over the line and actually embarrasing..(seriously) I asked that Nissan either call the dealer and give him the go ahead to replace the mounts or throw my old ones in....I was polite but I hope he can tell I'm pretty pissed.

I'm going to leave him a message again to see if he has an email address that I can send the wav file to. See what he has to say....(probably nothing) are correct..I will take a tremendous bath in the money dept...but I think I would kill myself knowing that I'm going to be shelling out 3 bills a month for the next 5 years with that crap always on my mind.

I'm not blaming anyone but myself....I fell in love with the car after a test drive without thoroughly checking the car out...sort of an impulse buy. My bad...wish I had gotten a good one and I'd be one mighty happy camper. Hell I can only crab for so long before I have to kick my own a$$ :D

Well I'm a spoiled former 91 Celica GTS owner that had zero problems with that car so this whole thing with rattles, TCM, warped rotors, squeaky engines, cheap paint etc are real eyeopeners for me.....guess when I bought the GTS, I got one of the good ones :)

man my dealer is gonna kill me..I keep leaving there convinced that yeah...this is a problem with all Maxs and then by the time I get home I am so pissed off I want to rip a phone book in he thinks I'm finally convinced and I get home and say...ehhh nope..wont accept it...

maybe I'm just whacked in the head and so obsessed with fixing this noise, I'm tuned into it(like my dealer said) and I pick it up more than Joe Average...

ack...oh well thanks for the comments guys

jnm2kse 11-06-2000 08:19 PM

Just left a message with Marcel for Nissan NA...I played the wav file for him over the phone.....this guy is just gonna be shaking his head as in "wtf is this guy on?"

Also asked for an email address I can send the wav I get silence on that.

I'm telling is really gonna hate me..... :)

Paul6speed 11-07-2000 08:05 AM

Thanks for posting the sound file. I'm glad mine doesn't make that noise. It's annoying.

Originally posted by mdeal
Here is what the chirping sounds like: and choose "Issues".

Note: jnm2kse supplied the noise

UMD_MaxSE 11-07-2000 02:05 PM

I checked mine this morning. The engine was warm, and I feathered the gas using the throttle cable. The only sound I hear is a slight click. Nothing like the sound in that .wav file.

TX2KSE 11-07-2000 03:00 PM

Mine doesn't sound anything like that. Praise the car gods, I got a good one for once!

I didn't get the image of a cricket in my mind when I heard the wav, though. What I picture is a little mouse holding the throttle in the engine bay. Every time the driver moves the go pedal it triggers a capacitor to juice the hind-end of the little critter :spike:, who squeaks, and moves the throttle. :bonk:

I guess I watch too much Road Runner and Coyote with the ACME/Rube Goldberg devices.

jnm2kse 11-07-2000 04:35 PM

Of course you guys know that you're all making
me feel much better :D I am stuck....Nissan says the noise is normal (and hell 3 others did it also that I listened to although nothing as loud as that noise I get)

I can't be that anally tuned into it can I? I mean....I don't know what to think. All I know is that I have squeaky, rattly car that I shelling cash out for the next 5 years and yes....I've come to the point that I can say I hate this car.....:mad:

Notice I said hate this car...I don't hate fact I love Maximas...just hate mine thats all :(

Some folks might look at this all and say...jeeesh..its just a noise, tune it out. Sorry peeps no can do...I am a car enthusiast...I'd rather have a fuel injector go bad in a car that have it make all sorts of "normal" creaks and groans and squeaks...hell my 91 GTS sounded better than this car.

I love to drive..(no I'm not a Taxi driver) I'm kicking myself in the a$$ for not buying a 5spd in the first place...thought it would be neat to finally get an auto after driving a stick for 15 years....ack wrong...I could not be more bored in my life...just put it in D and slam on any automatic owners, just my opinion on myself thats all.

Gee Nissan has not returned any of my phone calls.....I believe each of you that say no chirp...its pretty hard to miss wouldnt you say?

TimW 11-07-2000 04:53 PM

let me tell you alittle story about
the boy that cried TSB, err wolf...

Once apon a time, in a dealership far far away... there was a totally cooked 2K tranny... ok, nevermind.. I'm hungry, enough drama..

The Tranny and Strut TSB were just like this. Russ had to fight the dealership and us. Of course we quickly dismissed it as abuse or just his car. But sure enough, two TSB's from that one car (basically). Now, its pretty easy to get that fixed. Sorry, youre just the first to complain. There will be others. There will be a TSB, that noise is just too much to ignore. We all got ignored on the tranny prob (even after the TSB) and nobody had an easy time with the strut thing.

Just try to relax and let some time pass. I would guess that in, lets say 2 months, there is a TSB on this. You'll be able to walk in and get it fixed that day without any hassle at all. I'm guessing all of this. Then you will be able to truly enjoy your car and everybody lives happily ever after.. the end :)

[Edited by TimW on 11-07-2000 at 08:19 PM]

jnm2kse 11-07-2000 05:57 PM

You are a truly a calming influence....that thought never crossed my that I think of it, maybe some of my constant words of advice to Nissan on what they can do with their electronic engine mounts may not go unheeded....think anyone is listening after they've invested about 5-7 grand into this car? Maybe there is a reason why I could not get my old engine mounts back hmmm......starting to shed a little light I guess. However I'm not going to let up on them until they tell me to stfu :) Then I'll take a step back and look over the situation :D

Talk about timing ...the ad with the 20th Annv Edition with "Tom Sawyer" by Rush was just on Fox News...heh

I am probably going to try another dealer about the rattles and let him listen to the mounts to see what he thinks. I know the rattles can be fixed...they have to dealer says that because all the roads are under repair in town, of course it is going to rattle..well my POS rented Neon didnt...anyways I always seem to talk to much here :)

I feel much better Tim, thanks...never thought of perhaps a TSB maybe being issued. Do you really think someone from Nissan is listening? I havent returned my survey yet :) Wonder if JD Power would like to hear my mounts or any of the other car rags.....hmmmm...maybe just maybe I could step this up a notch....

TimW 11-07-2000 06:20 PM

at least...
at least youre not making up words like 'simly' as I did above. Thats it Tim, proof it after an hour or two. really brightŪ. :)

DOM 11-07-2000 06:23 PM

Wow that sounded bad!! I would be very pissed if I had that. Why are the dealerships so bad? I get so pissed when they look at you like you are wasting their time.

jnm2kse 11-07-2000 07:29 PM

Actually it is not really the dealer that is shooting me is Nissan themselves...believe or not my friend, Nissan classifies that as thinks it sounds like crap also(well he won't really admit it) as he has to toe the company line...his hands are tied by Nissan..he really can't do anything else as Nissan wont pay him for his work.

Without Tim's soothing words, I'd probably be doing something crazy right about now.... :D

xydavid 11-08-2000 11:01 AM

you think the noise might fade with time?
I'm wondering if the noise will go away over time. I seem to recall having a similar (albeit lower volume) noise that I'm unable to hear at all now. My mounts seem to be completely silent in the cabin (with the window open) now.

Jeff92se 11-08-2000 11:04 AM

Re: Dom...
Do all Y2Ks have electric mounts? Can you have non-electric ones installed??

Originally posted by jnm2kse
Actually it is not really the dealer that is shooting me is Nissan themselves...believe or not my friend, Nissan classifies that as thinks it sounds like crap also(well he won't really admit it) as he has to toe the company line...his hands are tied by Nissan..he really can't do anything else as Nissan wont pay him for his work.

Without Tim's soothing words, I'd probably be doing something crazy right about now.... :D

TimW 11-08-2000 11:22 AM

only the autos.
its in the brochure, in very small print.

Paul6speed 11-08-2000 02:06 PM

Re: only the autos.

Here's what ALL Maxima's with the auto tranny get:

Electronically controlled transmission with lockup torque converter. Brake/shift transmission shift interlock. Electronically controlled, liquid filled front and rear engine mounts. Center console 2 position height adjustable storage armrest.

Originally posted by TimW
its in the brochure, in very small print.

Jeff92se 11-08-2000 02:09 PM

Well get some non-electric ones installed. The motor mounts should be the same.

MOBOY 11-08-2000 02:28 PM

Re: Re: only the autos.

Originally posted by Paul2kGXE

Here's what ALL Maxima's with the auto tranny get:

Electronically controlled transmission with lockup torque converter. Brake/shift transmission shift interlock. Electronically controlled, liquid filled front and rear engine mounts. Center console 2 position height adjustable storage armrest.

Originally posted by TimW
its in the brochure, in very small print.

Actually the 5 speed also has the 2 position height adjustable ......and I think we also have the electronically controlled , liquid filled engine mounts

jnm2kse 11-08-2000 07:26 PM

Just an FYI...
found I can make the chirp noise just by shifting from Park to Reverse to Drive etc...heh nice eh? I gotta get a hobby :D Does maybe put a little credence to BigK200's opinion that the idle control valve may be the culprit as the idle does change when gong from Park or N to a gear.

Then again it could still be the mounts just firming up.

heh left another message for Nissan NA to day...gee suprise no call back...

SaVas 11-08-2000 07:39 PM

You are definitely not a fool, and are wise to complain about the noise. Anyone who has to put up with that should get a big apology from Nissan. Thankfully, my auto doesnt make the "Cricket in Heat" mating call. Honestly I have no complaints with mine except reading about problems everyone else has and I notice I have them to, but are small enough to not really notice, even for my discerning eye lol. But jm, there is no way anyone should have to put up with that annoying noise

Paul6speed 11-08-2000 08:11 PM

Re: Re: Re: only the autos.
I wasn't implying that the sticks did not have those features, just that the autos have the electronically controlled liquid filled mounts. Someone suggested that they didn't.

But now that you bring up the manuals... According to the 1999-2001 Nissan Maxima brochures, all Maximas (GXE, SE, and GLE) come with liquid filled front and rear engine mounts. Only the automatics are electronically controlled.

Originally posted by MOBOY

Originally posted by Paul2kGXE

Here's what ALL Maxima's with the auto tranny get:

Electronically controlled transmission with lockup torque converter. Brake/shift transmission shift interlock. Electronically controlled, liquid filled front and rear engine mounts. Center console 2 position height adjustable storage armrest.

Originally posted by TimW
its in the brochure, in very small print.

Actually the 5 speed also has the 2 position height adjustable ......and I think we also have the electronically controlled , liquid filled engine mounts

Kostya 01-17-2001 11:08 AM

Engine mounts suggestion
I am woundering--could you use the engine mounts from 5-spd model? They don't have that "electronically controlled" feature--could be a solution. I don't have that problem with my 5-spd Max2k SE.

Just my 2 cents.

F1 Rox 01-17-2001 12:22 PM

I have been looking for this thread...
Four days ago, during a morning start, my 06/00 auto GXE unleashed the crikets! It's quite noticeable too. When I first heard it, I thought to myself, "What was that?" Then I remembered reading this thread a while back and listened to the wav file. As I pressed and released the gas again, it sounded exactly like what jnm2kse had described. So far what I have noticed is that, the sound only exists when the car has not been driven. I now liten for it everytime I start and shut off the car, and I don't hear anything when the car has been driven for a while. Maybe it might get better or get worse... I guess there is nothing I can do but to learn to enjoy it!

jnm2kse 01-17-2001 02:01 PM

Just goes
to show how weird this is....I never hear it until the engine is warm...that is of course when I try to get the noise by using the throttle. It will make the noise if I put a load on the engine such as turning on the defroster, changing gears will due it then, even cold but will not when warm. Throttle will produce noise when warm but not cold...go figure.

My theory is that all Maximas do this but at much different noise levels....why do I say this? My coworkers Maxima who I swore does not make the noise does.....but I have to stick my head either under the car or into the engine bay and even then it is barely'd have to know what to listen for. 3 other 2K1 SE's on the dealers lot did it also ...all at different noise levels...

It still burns me that I F***d myself by pursuing this....I ended up with the noisest mounts out of the 3 replaced. I'm currently putting together a nice little bundle to put down on a new car this summer...chances are it wont be a Nissan. Its too bad as I really wanted to love the Maxima as I think it is a great car but there are just too many things wrong with a 25K stickered car to running back to the dealer for all these TSB issues and other issues that bug me...believe it ot not the vibrating gas pedal really irks me also. Eh...I wish I got one of the good Max's that a lot of people have here..Oh well...not gonna chance rolling the dice again.

punkdork 01-17-2001 02:05 PM

Mine makes the tiniest of chirps... it better stay that way. One more bug for them to iron out.

jnm2kse get a Subaru WRX :)

RBa 01-17-2001 02:59 PM

Dam that sounds bad!

Originally posted by mdeal
Here is what the chirping sounds like: and choose "Issues".

Note: jnm2kse supplied the noise

I tested my vehicle after hearing the wav. Glad to say I don't have that problem.

F1 Rox 01-18-2001 06:15 AM

Confirmed, chirping anytime!
I listened for the chirp again last night, this time, even when the engine has been driven for 40 mins, it still chirped. I just hope it doesn't get any louder. And the funny thing was, while I was listening for the noise, my wife asked me, "What are you doing?" Well, I didn't want to stir up my emotion, so I just kept my mouth shut.

punkdork: "jnm2kse get a Subaru WRX" I think you are right! That's what I'm getting next.

Kostya 01-22-2001 02:29 PM

Re: Confirmed, chirping anytime!

Originally posted by F1 Rox
I listened for the chirp again last night, this time, even when the engine has been driven for 40 mins, it still chirped...

One question:

Are you driving autos or 5-spd? I don't hear anything on my 5-spd... Maybe the problem is somewhere in tranny?


kisas 07-24-2009 11:00 AM

maybe you can record the chirp and put it here

Rochester 07-24-2009 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by kisas (Post 7129144)
maybe you can record the chirp and put it here

Maybe he can invent a time machine to help with that process :laugh:

dwade27 07-24-2009 01:46 PM

wow 2001!!!!

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