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Nightline 01-19-2007 03:40 PM

07 Keyfob Curiosity
Ok, here is a good one.

I am really interested in the security of the 07 keyfob. We all know that you can just keep it in your pocket/purse and get in the car, start it etc.

What happens in the event of a carjacking, leaving your car on while going back in the house etc?

I would like to think that if an 07 owner is carjacked and the keyfob is in his/her pocket, that the car would eventually shut off. I know that if the keyfob leaves the interior of the car that the red key light comes on... But what happens after that.

I did a small test with a friend of mine. I exited the car (with it on), walked about a block away, and he was still able to put it in reverse, drive for a few seconds, and then park it again. If he were to drive for a long distance, would the car shutoff at a pre-determined time after a complete stop?

I hope never to get carjacked, but would like to know what would happen.

jcalabria 01-19-2007 04:06 PM

It'll run till you shut it off, then won't start again. It can't shut down on a timed basis for safety reasons.

Why is this less secure than getting the car stolen/jacked with the keys in it? At least with the electronic key they'd only get one ride.

Nightline 01-20-2007 07:15 AM

Good point jcalabria.. too bad that one ride could be a fatal one...

Mr. Blue Sky 01-20-2007 07:30 AM

if you want an extra bit of security, you can get one of those anti-carjacking alarms. I know they have it in places like mexico, not sure if they have it here though

LA02MAX 01-20-2007 08:36 AM

My friend's versa won't allow it to shift into gear if the key leaves the car :gotme: we tried it once...

cobrar97 01-21-2007 09:32 AM

I thought it shut itself off eventually, but obviously not.

Nightline 01-21-2007 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by LA02MAX
My friend's versa won't allow it to shift into gear if the key leaves the car :gotme: we tried it once...

Interesting that Nissan would give that feature to the Versa and not the Maxima. That feature makes since though. You cant start the car without the key so moving the shifter should not work either.

Omarvelous 01-21-2007 03:49 PM

Well.....lock the door.

I love leaving the car running, locking the door, and running a quick errand. Especially if my girl is in the car, she can move it if need be, I can run in my house, not have to take the key out the engine. Love it.

Put it this way, a lot better then having a physical key in the car!

ZOOH 02-01-2007 08:29 PM

So, if I valet park the car, should I keep the fob with me or leave it with them?

Nightline 02-01-2007 08:30 PM

When I get the car washed, I give them the key, and keep the fob. But for the ulitmate safety, you would give them the fob, and lock up everything.. globe box, trunk, etc.

ZOOH 02-01-2007 08:46 PM

Hmm. So I should keep everything locked and give up the fob. I guess if I have to worry about trusting someone with my fob, I shouldn't be letting them park my car in the first place.

Omarvelous 02-01-2007 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by ZOOH
Hmm. So I should keep everything locked and give up the fob. I guess if I have to worry about trusting someone with my fob, I shouldn't be letting them park my car in the first place.

That is true about the valet. Because on another car, you would leave your keys the same as the fob.

I believe you can take out the key from the fob and give it to them.

Read it in the book i think.

mdfergus 02-02-2007 08:39 AM

The key locks all other areas, glove box - trunk - etc. Giving the key would allow someone access to those. My salesman said that you should give them the fob and take the key. Not sure Nissan thought this one through.

ZOOH 02-02-2007 09:10 AM

That makes sense.

maxhead 02-02-2007 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by mdfergus
The key locks all other areas, glove box - trunk - etc. Giving the key would allow someone access to those. My salesman said that you should give them the fob and take the key. Not sure Nissan thought this one through.

Yeah, that's what I do and it's in the manual. That way they can drive the car but not do anything else.

I like being able to get out the car and leave it running while my wife is in it. She would always lock the doors and in my old Max (4th Gen) she couldn't unlock my door from her side so I had to wait while she leaned over the seat to unlock it from the driver's side to let me back in. Now I just walk up and hit the button on the door. So much easier...even if she falls asleep I can still get back in easily.

Propa Teknique 02-09-2007 06:55 AM

:king2: I wish the 04's had something like that.. The 07 is a bad azz ride.. but I love my Xima to death!

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