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grayte199 06-14-2009 05:29 PM

Im a Dad...
My daughter was born premature (27 weeks), so im hurrying to get stuff. Any useful stuff i can get for the car to keep it looking nice.? Ive already Zaino'd the leather numerous times..any help would be appreciated.

blaxima06 06-14-2009 05:35 PM

First off, congratulations on your baby girl. Second, your too vague on what you want. Do you want to go for looks? Performance? Suspension? What is your budget? Etc. I hope you can be more clear on what you want.

marklevinson1 06-14-2009 06:20 PM

Hey congrats! I have two boys at home, 7 and 10. When they were wee, I just used a large towel or blanket under their child seats to help keep flying milk, snacks, barf, etc. off my upholstery. I hope that is what you meant.

Greeny 06-14-2009 06:34 PM

your kid was born 27 weeks premature, and you are worried about your car?

NiZMo1o1 06-14-2009 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by Greeny (Post 7075219)
your kid was born 27 weeks premature, and you are worried about your car?

yeah I was kinda of thinking the same...

Family > Car

morteljc 06-14-2009 08:23 PM

i would assume the baby is ok... if not, he would (or should) not have time to post... hehe.. congratulations...

Metal Maxima 06-14-2009 08:29 PM

Hurry and get this:

Kountz430 06-14-2009 08:42 PM

your car should the last thing you should be worrying about ya should modded the car before the baby was born but congrats though

Matts04Maxima 06-14-2009 08:51 PM

congrats on your new addition !!!!!!

2LEET4U 06-14-2009 11:46 PM

Congrads man... hell yah!!! Prepare to have your life rocked!!!

I recommend a car seat first... :)

then a car matching diaper bag with a nissan or nismo logo.... lol

chernmax 06-15-2009 03:41 AM

If you want to mod your car, consider a quality child care seat for infants!!! Congrats dad, as they grow the smell changes... :D

grayte199 06-15-2009 04:01 AM

sorry to be so vague. Shes doing great. Shes at Johns Hopkins Hospital and will be there for about two more months. Shes getting the best care 8k a day can get. Im just trying to get ready at home, and car wise. Im more worried about the inside of the car than the outside. just tryin to keep it in good condition

Finding Nismo 06-15-2009 04:03 AM

Slap a CAI on the little bugger and watch him goooooo! :p

Edit: Oops it's a her. I take it back.

Bassbreaker 06-15-2009 06:02 AM

8K a day?? Holy chit.

Asav 06-15-2009 06:55 AM

Congratulations bro. Use ozium in the ac vents to freshen the car up. Let it air out a little too, the smell will still be there. Don't use any of those other types of air fresheners. If your kid has allergies which you are unaware of, it can cause problems. I found that out the hard way after a few doctor visits with my 1 yr old. Otherwise, as marklevinson1 said, keep a relatively thin towel under the seat to protect from barf, etc. If you use one that is too thick, it will slide around and not stay under the seat very well.

po8pimp 06-15-2009 07:35 AM

Congrats and like everyone said above family>car. However both can be concidered at the same time. Since you have a baby girl the mom I assume will be riding in the back for a while to keep an eye on her. So maybe get one of those orginizers that you can put stuff in for the back of the passenger side seat. Ohh and research your baby bottles that you plan on using. I recommend getting the drop in bottles because they are cleaner and keep air out which is important to keep in mind so the baby doesn't get gas. Less gas=less spitup/crying. Ohh stay away from Binkies. Once you introduce them it's hard to get them away. Ohh also those backseat wideview mirrors are nice.

po8pimp 06-15-2009 07:37 AM

Ohh maybe some back seat monitors would be nice.

Metal Maxima 06-15-2009 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by po8pimp (Post 7075788)
Ohh maybe some back seat monitors would be nice.

Fortunately, that comes standard.

Per 06-15-2009 09:50 AM

Congratulation! Hope all goes well with the new addition!

joer_561 06-15-2009 09:55 AM

Congrats..on being a dad..hope everything goes well with your baby

DeusExMaxima 06-15-2009 10:35 AM

Congratulations. When my kids were babies and older I had matching colored towels on my seats to preserve the seats, from barf, baby seats and other seat-destroying things. Also, I never allowed food in the car, only drinks with lids. Baby bottles were fine too. So, that plus maintenance like Zaino will keep your car looking good through the child years and beyond.

KCMAXX 06-15-2009 12:14 PM


OT bound.

jgadlage 06-21-2009 07:43 PM

Congrats on the new baby. Try not to worry about her being born so early, I am sure that she will turn out fine. I too was born premature (3 months premature weighing in at a hefty 1lb 3oz) in the late 70's and I turned out just fine. Technology and medicine have come a long way since then. Keep your faith and hope.

Back to the car stuff - get lots of terry cloth or microfiber towels and natural cleaning products for the spills.

lobewiper 06-22-2009 04:12 PM

With the birth of your daughter, you have now an even more sacred responsibility than taking care of your Maxima. Good luck and enjoy her (and don't forget about the wife in the process!)

scrui 06-23-2009 05:52 PM

congrats !!!

indymaxima 06-27-2009 02:44 PM

Congrats on the little girl....I just became a new dad In Feb. , I wouldnt worry about any mods until you know for shure everything is gonna be okay with the little one. It took forever for me to convince me old lady that i could slowly start workin on the car again.....anways good luck.

HMAX08 06-27-2009 04:13 PM

Congrats, i cant wait til I am a father, not time soon though, lol. best wishes to mom, dad and baby. Gettin love from the org, gotta love that

mrmurphz 06-29-2009 09:27 AM

don't forget to pick up a car seat protector. the car seat will leave marks on your leather. my wife and i have one in our cars. it will also collect any snacks that will fall out once your daughter starts eating on her own. everytime i pull my son's car seat out, there's a bunch of cheerios, goldfish, etc. that collect under the car seat.

good luck!

Shoey1 06-29-2009 06:33 PM

put a Fujita on your baby so when it cries it will sound good

ahhbeemo 06-30-2009 09:47 AM

congrats man

Jayson89NYC 06-30-2009 10:22 AM

lots of luck congrats

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