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NiZMo1o1 09-21-2009 07:14 AM

R.I.P. Kevin007
So I get a phone call this moring around 9 am from a member ,

It saddens me to hear that Kevin has passed away from cancer ,

Most of you guys know him with the red 2004 on Spray ,

We spoke many times in the pass and I rarely seen him post these past months on either fourms.

R.I.P. Kevin , you inspired everyone to go fast and you were the first to do big things in the A34.

Silverfox 09-21-2009 07:46 AM

I am schocked to hear this news. Tang called me, woke me up with it. I was given the pleasure to meet him and let me tell you, the man was funny. He was just as excited to meet me as I was to meet him. It was during the 2008 East Coast 6th gen meet. I believe he has video's online. Kevin you will be missed and above all, keep the rest of us safe out there!

Apollos2 09-21-2009 08:08 AM

Very sad to hear. God bless his family at this time. Totally bummed.

Oolatec 09-21-2009 08:13 AM

Wow I had no idea he was sick... thoughts are with the family... :(

My-Body-Is-Ready 09-21-2009 08:27 AM

heres the video again for old times sake

KCMAXX 09-21-2009 08:28 AM

Originally Posted by tigersharkdude (Post 7212234)
its sad to hear. they should get him a coffin made that looks like his car

You're a dumbass...


bdmaxima 09-21-2009 09:33 AM

does any1 live around or know where he does? i think to pay respect to him it would be cool if we can send his family flowers or something in that nature

NiZMo1o1 09-21-2009 09:43 AM

I think Chern would be the closer , if Chern can shine some light on this

If his family wishes set up an account for paypal for us to send them money for the funneral/ flowers.

Kevin was a very very helpful guy to the .org and 6thgenmax and nycmax.

I only got the chances to speak with him, and never got the chances to meet him.

bdmaxima 09-21-2009 09:54 AM

dude was very cool in person. treated u like you've known each other forever. always happy to answer questions and made every laugh at the east coast meet. def will miss this guy.

Redmax 09-21-2009 10:17 AM

I will see if I can get more info from his family for donations

jsmithsole 09-21-2009 10:24 AM

Wow, he was a really cool guy. Thoughts and prayers with his family, RIP.

vqaltima 09-21-2009 10:30 AM

That is sad, he was a real cool guy. My mom just died of cancer 1 week ago.

joecurr 09-21-2009 10:44 AM

I never really talked to him, but have read a lot of his posts. What he did with his cars was an inspiration to many of us. He is a humble person to not let his sickness be known. Kevin, may you rest in peace.

bdmaxima 09-21-2009 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by vqaltima (Post 7212449)
That is sad, he was a real cool guy. My mom just died of cancer 1 week ago.

i'm sorry to hear of your loss. my condolences go out to you and your family. i don't know how i would be if i loss my mother but i hope the time she was around was well spent and filled with many memories.

VigilanteMax 09-21-2009 12:19 PM

Sad to see him go.. did a lot for the nissan community. Didnt know him but very sad. RIP

DeusExMaxima 09-21-2009 01:09 PM

I knew of him and his posts but never talked with him. To Kevin's family, my condolences. To vgaltima: My condolences to you as well for the loss of your mother. Sad news.

HMAX08 09-21-2009 01:37 PM

Wow, I cant believe it. I actually bought some stuff from him a few months ago. I spoke to him and he was a cool guy. my condolences go out to the family as well as the member who lost his mother. just sad.

Ps. Tigersharkdude, WTF, thats all i can say

maxima365 09-21-2009 01:56 PM

he sounds like such a nice guy, i wish i had gotten the chance to meet him. another soul gone too soon

mrmurphz 09-21-2009 02:46 PM

I exchanged a few pm's with Kevin. He was very helpful and seemed like a nice guy. He will be an inspiration to us all. RIP. Please keep us updated on information on anything we can do for his family.

BadBlackMaxSL 09-21-2009 04:26 PM

My thoughts and condolences are with his family. As a cancer survivor myself, I want to remind all of you that have it in your famliy to make sure you are all tested/evaluated by your doctors. Most cancers can be taken care of if caught early.

IIvIIoNsTeR MaX 09-21-2009 07:34 PM

Cancer Sucks.


blaxima06 09-21-2009 08:11 PM

R.I.P Kevin. My thoughts and prayers to his family & friends.

anomaly117 09-21-2009 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by Look-at-my-MAX (Post 7212268)
heres the video again for old times sake

:wtc: RIP kevin, youll be missed

a33i30 09-21-2009 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by Look-at-my-MAX (Post 7212268)
heres the video again for old times sake

Wow, I remember watching these videos, yet I never got to know him here. RIP.

chernmax 09-21-2009 09:06 PM

That sucks, Kevin and I spoke often about mods and repairs and raced at Capitol and MIR as well as hooked up at shows and meets. We hooked up one time so I could bring him a part he wanted and he made this VID of my ride. I am truly saddened and hurting right now...

I had this Picture of Kevin at the Gathersburg, MD 6thGenMaxima meet. RIP my bro...

Oolatec 09-21-2009 09:58 PM

Mods, can you make this a sticky?

Just a thought... And if anyone gets info about a fund set up for him... and a means to donate, please PLEASE let us know!

SmokinMaxSE 09-22-2009 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by chernmax (Post 7213629)

I had this Picture of Kevin at the Gathersburg, MD 6thGenMaxima meet. RIP my bro...

He reminds so much of my step dad who died last year of colon cancer. It spread all though out his body before he knew it was cancer. Doctor said he had three months to live and he was right. I couldn't handle watching that and still try not to think of it. He wanted to come home and died with us around him at home. Had a crash course in life. He looks just like him.

chernmax 09-22-2009 11:11 AM

I nominated Kevin for October 2009 Maxima of the Month, hoping for strong mod and member support.

maxed_out_saloon 09-22-2009 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by chernmax (Post 7214437)
I nominated Kevin for October 2009 Maxima of the Month, hoping for strong mod and member support.

good idea bro. hope he wins

My-Body-Is-Ready 09-22-2009 06:17 PM

i agree with chern

ILL-Maxima 09-22-2009 06:42 PM

Originally Posted by chernmax (Post 7214437)
I nominated Kevin for October 2009 Maxima of the Month, hoping for strong mod and member support.


NiZMo1o1 09-22-2009 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by chernmax (Post 7214437)
I nominated Kevin for October 2009 Maxima of the Month, hoping for strong mod and member support.

in memory of Kevin , October to remember !

PetitFrereMaxima 09-22-2009 07:38 PM

Wow! It is always sad to hear of people leaving this world, especially when they were dear o some of us. My regards to the family and may his soul rest in perfect peace. I never knew him, but I have seen some of his videos on youtube. I will say we loved his company, but God loved him more. Maybe he is in heaven moding some Maximas too.

Save journey to you, KEVIN!

Death is a really sad thing. My older brother, 36, no kids and was living in Germany for 9 years died in febuary from a heart attack. I still have not fully recovered from his death. So, I feel for his family.

From my family to his, MY HEART FELT CONDOLENCE.

Please, if there is any fund set up I will contribute to it.

BlackOutt 09-23-2009 08:55 AM

i also agree with chern.. it is sad to see a member go like this. my thoughts are with his family. its a sad thing it really is

wuzzy 09-23-2009 09:07 AM


chernmax 09-23-2009 09:13 AM

Tribute Picture By EddyMax:

fat_kid 09-23-2009 09:30 AM


TAZ 09-23-2009 10:06 AM

Wow just saw this, RIP bro. I remember talking to Kevin on the phone for like an hour about 2 years ago. Seemed like a great guy.

My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family

Jammmaxx 09-23-2009 10:49 AM


xorbitman 09-23-2009 11:37 AM

I also viewed some of the videos taken by Kevin.

My heartfelt sympathies and condolences to all those who know Kevin, his family and friends. I propose a toast to Kevin...May your next journey be filled with happiness and good times and to all those who knew you may we be all trully blessed with your sense of fair play and humour! Here Here!


I lost my Mother-in-law to Alzeihmer's this past June...She was 84 just shy of he 85th. She died of dementia, basically forgeting how to swallow food. I also lost my cousin in Istanbul, Turkey due to a heart attack, he was one month older than me; 53 years.

Cancer sucks, I hope we find a cure one day.

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