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95CustomMaxima2 02-16-2004 05:47 PM

Best Swirl Mark remover? Also how to you prevent swirl marks?
Title pretty much somes it up....My '95 deep evergreen has some pretty nasty swirl marks on the hood and I am wondering what should I use to get rid of the marks and also where can I get the product from? Also was wondering what can I do/ put on my car to prevent the swirl marks from getting on my car?



MaximaTodd 02-16-2004 09:12 PM

i just used zaino car polish. stuff works great. id say it reduced my swirls by a good 80%. and its all hand polishing, no buffer machine needed. it gets pricey. i spent about $75 with zaino cause you have to buy a lot of their products to get the whole effect. but id say it was worth it. my car shines like its new. my black paint looks nice and wet and has a great reflection. check em out:

i bought the clay bar (Z-18), Polish for swirls and scratches (Z-5), Show car polish (Z-2), ZFX accelerator (reduces curing time), Polish Lok (Z-1), Gloss enhancer spray (Z-6) and the Car Wash (Z-7)

all those combined = one sweet look. paint looks new and perfect again.

as far as preventing swirls, ONLY USE 100% Cotton made in USA bath towels to dry your car. and dont dry in a circular pattern. dry up and down on the top panels and top to bottom on the side panels. same goes when you apply any wax or polish!

good luck PM me if you have any questions.


PrinzII 02-17-2004 07:36 AM

Meguiar's Dual Action Cleaner Polish
Menzerna Intensive Polish and Final Polish
3M Swirl Mark Remover for dark colored cars
Meguiar's #9 Swirl Remover

The bottom two can be gotten at Pep Boys or any chain Auto Parts store. However, the DACP can be gotten at a body shop supply store. The Menzerna can be gotten at

N34JZ 02-17-2004 08:37 AM

I used Gliptone's Glaze It the other day and it worked great, and I did it by hand and Id say it got them out 85% if I had done it with the wheel or mabey even a second application by hand Im sure they would be 100% gone, only thing is I looked through my catalouge and they dont have a retail version which means youd be stick with a whole gallon of it, Or if you want I could fill up a smaller bottle and send it to you.

Bman 02-17-2004 07:56 PM

If you can't get something like Dual Action Cleaner Polish, or something else with similar "moderate strength", Fine Cut compound (3M) or cleaner (Meguiar's #2) will also do. You generally should have two sets of products on hand for this job: one medium strength, and one mild. It's a lot like trying to sand with different grits of sandpaper.

Glazes and other products that are engineered to partially fill in swirls are fine, and have their place in the scheme of things, but for anything other than very fine, very light swirls you might as well forget about them performing miracles. I know Sal Zaino doesn't offer or even suggest using abrasive products to deal with swirls, but I think that's being a bit "optimistic" on his part...

Washing technique and using safe materials for any process where you touch your paint are the most important for preventing swirls. Your existing damage is most likely from improper washing (automatic car wash, sponges, coin-op with grunge brush, etc.) Read up on proper wash technique and the "two bucket method" of washing. Genuine sheepskin (not wool), microfiber, or Viking 100% cotton chenille (good luck finding them...) wash mitts are considered safe if used sensibly. I recommend sheepskin personally because it's the easiest to obtain and verify that it's authentic.

100% cotton US bath towels, Absorber-like products, and microfiber waffle weave towels are all fine, but just take care with any of these that they are clean and the paint is clean when using them. I strongly recommend looking into the range of microfiber towels available, since they are often superior to cotton, and is a good material for buffing as well.

2k3TitaniumSe 02-20-2004 04:04 PM

Do swirls refer to the light scratch on the car that can only be seen under light?

MaximaTodd 02-20-2004 05:29 PM

yeah they are usually in circle patterns and can only be seen under light.

BML94GXE 02-20-2004 09:37 PM

Meguiars, and the swirls are all about what you use to clean your car. Something like a t-shirt material wont leave swirl marks. i found terry (not bath towel type the other ones) cloths can leave them, any dirty rags or cloths you use to clean your car, even if you dont think they are dirty they are and you cant see it. i run mine through the washing machine to make sure they are clean

MICROFIBER, they are the best

i aways tell people not to use something they would not want used on there own face. sounds odd, but think about it, would you want something dirty used as your face towel, or something that would hurt you when you use it

Bman 02-22-2004 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by 2k3TitaniumSe
Do swirls refer to the light scratch on the car that can only be seen under light?

Most visible when you look at a bright reflection, like the sun, a bright light, or the infamous gas station/parking lot sodium lamps. Those can humble even the hardcore detail enthusiast.

Please don't use flat, nap-less cloth if you can (flannel, old clothes, etc.). If cotton terry towels cause scratching, it's because they are not truly 100% cotton and it probably has polyester content. This is why the best toweling comes from buying bath towel "seconds" from a reputable US company and the label actually says "100% cotton" (and not "100% cotton loops"). Basically, just because it feels soft, doesn't mean it's soft on a microscopic scale, especially when brand new because many manufacturers use softeners to make them feel soft on the shelf. Most microfiber toweling is okay, but beware of the very cheap towels as some people have reported minor scratching from those.

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