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AscendantMax 03-13-2005 04:37 PM

OK to spray Lysol into a/c air intake?
Well, the humidity is starting to creep back into the area, and now there's a smell coming out of my a/c vents when I have it on. I'm guessing there's some mold, decaying leaves, etc that's in the bottom of the intake vents near the windshield. I was wondering if it'll do the system any damage of I have the a/c on with fresh air setting...and spray Lysol into the intake. I'm guessing this will help kill any of the substance causing the smell. Any other insights/recommendations to this problem? Thanks in advance.


AscendantMax 03-14-2005 10:02 AM

bump...anyone? :)

infintishock 03-14-2005 11:18 AM

I do this whenever I have a car with a real bad smell in it. I call it bombing the car, as do a lot of people I'm sure, and use After-Fire One-Shot spray for the job.

But anyway, go ahead, it's fine.

imported_Max_TL 03-14-2005 11:26 AM

have you tried cleaning the in-cabin filter also?

AscendantMax 03-14-2005 05:02 PM

i drive a 3rd gen, there's no in-cabin filter. :(

AscendantMax 03-22-2005 09:25 PM

a little follow-up...

tried it 2 days ago. took some lysol and sprayed it down the intake vent. i let it sit there for a few minutes then i turned my fan on to high. then sprayed some more in there. the suction drawed in the lysol mist nicely and now the smell is gone! hopefully it won't come back for awhile. :)

E55AMG2 03-22-2005 10:43 PM

yea, Einszett actually makes a product that does the same thing. Lysol works just the same and is cheaper so I say go with it. To do one step better, after you spray into the intake, put the A/C on recirculate for a few minutes on a high fan setting. That should clean all the crap out quickly.

AscendantMax 03-22-2005 11:09 PM

thanks for that additional tip :)

i'll give that a try tomorrow.

red00maima 04-01-2005 01:54 AM

try a product called ozium
you can find it in autoparts store
its a 1.5oz spray "small aluminum spray bottle/can"
it will kill everthing living in the car including you if you spray it while you are in the car
put your a/c on high
spray it into the vents under the windshield
it will work its way into the car and kill all odors.
you can also spray it in the car just let the car sit for a while before you get back in it....

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