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waveridr85 04-11-2003 09:40 PM

Foolish behavior
Wow first time i did something stupid today! i went around a turn pretty hard, it was semi-wet out and i underestimated the road holing ability! 30 mph in the curb w/ the side of my front left rims and heard a huge crack sound!! :bawling: i thought i was done for!!!!! i get out and see that the rim is oly scratched and looks like a case of curb rash!!! no bend or anything, i was sooooo lucky, i recently took it up to speed and there seems to be nothing wrong with the car other than my allignment is a little worse. I cant stand the curb rach on my new rims!!! ahhhhhhh

To all those who drive hard.....DONT

sorry, had to vent

Axel 04-11-2003 09:44 PM

Re: Foolish behavior

Originally posted by waveridr85

To all those who drive hard.....DONT

No offense but it wasn't because you were driving hard, it's because you didn't analyze the situation well enough. If you're going to be driving hard, you better know the turn ahead of time, the road condition, how well your tires grip in those conditions, etc.

I'd say, to those who drive hard, make sure you're aware of your surroundings and road conditions and everything that goes with it first. Again, no offense...

2k2kev 04-11-2003 09:44 PM

Re: Foolish behavior

Originally posted by waveridr85
Wow first time i did something stupid today! i went around a turn pretty hard, it was semi-wet out and i underestimated the road holing ability! 30 mph in the curb w/ the side of my front left rims and heard a huge crack sound!! :bawling: i thought i was done for!!!!! i get out and see that the rim is oly scratched and looks like a case of curb rash!!! no bend or anything, i was sooooo lucky, i recently took it up to speed and there seems to be nothing wrong with the car other than my allignment is a little worse. I cant stand the curb rach on my new rims!!! ahhhhhhh

To all those who drive hard.....DONT

sorry, had to vent

might want to have it taken off and inspected (even if you do it). There might be cracks you couldn't see with the wheel on.

waveridr85 04-11-2003 09:51 PM

true, i wont drive like an arse for a loooong time now, going to get it alligned tommorow, how much should that cost me?

s0ber 04-11-2003 09:59 PM

:tard: :jeffy:

waveridr85 04-11-2003 10:01 PM

haha i feel the same way about myself!!!!:banghead: :banghead:

Axel 04-11-2003 10:09 PM

waveridr85: I will say though that I've done the EXACT same thing you have a long time ago in my 240sx (before my Maxima days) but I did a lot more damage to my car. I was taking a turn agressively as well at 3AM and the temp had dropped a lot lower than I had anticipated (late November up here in Canada). Needless to say, I hit the curb as well but it was the beginning of the curb so the rear half of my FRONT wheel it the rounded beginning of the curb. It basically tore my entire wheel right off. It wasn't a pretty sight. So I know where you're coming from. I was so peeved with myself after that wondering why I was such an idiot. I can only blame myself though. I knew the turn well, but I didn't take into account the temp change enough.
This was 6 years ago and I was a lot younger, and I hadn't been racing yet. Now that I race and that I have a racing license and I've taken a bunch of racing courses (some being week long courses) I am much better at analyzing such situations and my environment.
Good luck with the car and I hope nothing serious broke.

waveridr85 04-11-2003 10:23 PM

thanks man, you described exactly how ****ed i was at myslef

Axel 04-11-2003 10:38 PM

Originally posted by waveridr85
thanks man, you described exactly how ****ed i was at myslef
To make matters worse, the hit didn't feel all that hard so I kept going straight for about 10 feet and tried turning the wheel and realized I couldn't (when you're practically missing a front wheel, it's hard to turn your steering wheel). Realizing I couldn't turn, I very slowly came to a stop (didn't want to slam on the brakes for obvious reasons). This meant my car was about 90 feet from the place I hit the curb. This was right outside the University Cop station and they heard the hit so a woman came out to investigate and saw this.
She brought me into the station and started writing up a report and called a real cop to investigate. We were in the University Cop station when she asked me for my license plate. I had just recently got new plates a week prior (bought the car off my step-father and his plates had just expired so I had to renew them under my name) so when she asked this, I didn't know. I knew it started with AB something but didn't know the rest. She said, "no, I saw AC something". I answer, "they haven't started manufacturing ACxxx plates yet, I know it's AB something". So we go outside and sure enough, it's AB something. Anyway, she finishes the report just as the cop shows up. Right away, he sees the car 90 feet from the point of impact and asks how fast I was going. I answer about 60 (km/h because I'm in Canada) and the cop answers "60? what, 60 mph?" (as in 100 km/h). I'm like no, I just didn't want to slam on the brakes (he looks at me like I'm lying through my teeth). Anyway, since I was a young male at 3AM hitting a curb with no other cars involved, he does a breathalizer test. I hadn't been drinking so it shows up 0. He seems surprised, he does another. It's 0 again. I find out later on from the tow truck driver who knew the cop and spoke to him that the University cop chick had told the real cop I was drunk out of my mind!
That b|tch! In the end, the cop charges me with careless driving! I was like, wtf??? He tells me to take it to court (which I would have done anyway). On the day of the court, he shows up and talks to the prosecutor on my behalf and asks the prosecutor to reduce the charges to "dangerous lane change" which is obviously much lower.
Well, that was my story of me crashing my car into a curb by myself.
It was NOT fun. I feel your pain...

waveridr85 04-11-2003 10:56 PM

ouch, sorry to hear that bro

how can i fix my wheels, they are not chrme, silver finish, any ideas?

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