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Leo_Koneval 03-31-2013 04:06 AM

Close Calls
Anyone got any stories about barely avoiding an accident they want to share?

I've been having a string of bad luck lately, I nearly lost my 4th gen quite a few times during the 6 years I've owned it. But a week ago, I was traveling alone on a highway going 65 (A little over the speed limit, sorry :() and a car was trying to turn left across two lanes on the highway on to the opposing lane.

I guess they assumed those two lanes (the one I was on) were empty and just looked to their right and gunned it right as I was closing in, then they saw me and stopped right in the middle of the two lanes. I was headed straight towards the guy's driver's side door on what looks like a hatchback Civic. I panicked and swerved all the way over to the opposing lane and just barely missed him and oncoming traffic. I saw the guy's eyes open wide as I nearly missing ramming his door in, I was lucky I didn't spin out or have anybody next to me.

It wasn't until later that I kind of realized I was a little dumb for just blindly swerving like that but I guess it would be better to hit someone's car than kill someone. So, Phew!

But in a situation like that, what would be the "correct" thing to do? Because if I had hit someone else trying to avoid the "dude" wouldn't I be on the hook for hitting them and not the guy I was avoiding?

Hectic 04-01-2013 08:12 AM

I didn't avoid an accident, but I avoided driving the car off of a mountainside straight into a house. There was a boulder there to stop and total the car. This was 13 years ago.

Fakie J Farkerton 04-01-2013 08:33 AM

One that comes to mind right now is when I was on I-35N driving from Santa Fe St. to Johnson Dr around 10pm.
I was in the slow lane doing maybe 70mph.
I saw a car about 1/8 or so of a mile ahead of me in the fast lane kind of jerk their car and hit the brakes hard.
I didn't think too much of it, because I didn't see anything.
Not long after that, about 4-5 feet in front of my car, a semi tire on the rim bounced in front of me then shot right back up and continued on its way.

Only thing I could think is that if I had left sooner, or gone any faster, that would have either killed me or totaled my car.
I've had a TON of close calls..I may be back on here to post later.

JWatZ 04-01-2013 08:42 AM

Not sure what I would of done. I will tell you that no matter the case, rear-ending someone will always be your fault. I was riding behind a minivan, decent distance away and doing the speed limit in my dropped CRX. We were approaching an intersection where the light was green then all of a sudden... BOOM! The van rear ended the car in front of them, didn't even break. Traffic was heavy in the lane in front of me so I slammed my breaks and tried my best to pull into the turn lane next to me. My driver's side front bumper clipped the passenger rear of the van... could of been a lot worse. I received a ticket for inattentive driving and was responsible for half of the damage and "pain and suffering" for the lady the minivan hit... because she "felt two impacts." Impact? I scrapped the farking bumper!

Anyway, not a close call... but it is sort of. The lesson I learned was swerve as far away from the car in front of you as you can. Obviously not into oncoming traffic though.

Mr. Blue Sky 04-02-2013 12:24 AM

two stories that I can recall. One was years ago in my 2nd gen. I was going to the chief auto parts store (now known as autozone) near my home, when an idiot in a champaigne colored chrysler came out into my lane from a small side street. I swerved to avoid the collision, temporarily lost control, went into oncoming traffic, and gained control again. went on my merry way after I had control again.

second was in my 5th gen, on a twisty portion of a local freeway at night. I was going along in the fast lane, when some asshat entering the freeway came into my lane going 20-30 miles an hour, leaving me less than 50 feet to react. I was lucky the freeway was empty, and I was able to maneuver around him

NightRider 04-02-2013 12:31 AM

I live in Colorado. Every time I drive the Maxima I have to avoid an accident.

Leo_Koneval 04-06-2013 04:12 AM

Yeah I have another one for story time, lol.

On this stretch of road there is a gas station with a tiny entrance and the entrance to my apartment complex which is also really small, literally right across from each other. So to get to the entrance I need to use the center lane and turn left and same goes for those trying to get into the gas station coming from the opposing lane. And if two people are trying to do so at the same time, they need to get reallllllyyyyyy close.

One day after a long days work, I was coming home and for some reason spaced out and noticed my apartment's entrance at the last minute and I was going about 40 and tried to make a emergency stop. But I was going too fast and overshot just as someone was coming in to turn into the gas station. Luckily the other guy swerved out of my way quick enough and I didn't ram into the guy. Since then I learned to just find somewhere and turn around if I miss my stop and don't try and wing it to see if I can stop in time.

tigersharkdude 04-06-2013 12:56 PM

Ive got one

I was coming down Elm Hill Pike (fairly busy, main road..right by the airport) here in Nashville. Speed limit is 45 in the area where I was, traffic was moderate-to-heavy (right around lunch time). So Im riding about 2 car lengths behind a Dodge Caravan, and Ive got a Nissan Titan riding my a$$. The people in front of me just randomly LAID on their brakes at a green light (you could see the van nose dive), I immediately laid on mine (hoping that the guy behind was actually paying attention). Luckily the guy behind me was paying attention and locked that Titan up. By the time that we stopped I was sitting slightly crooked, dude in the Titan was sitting like / and halfway into the other lane. The driver of the van through his hand out of the window like "my bad".....what was in the other hand? A PHONE and it was still on his ear. I was PISSED.

Blue Mesa 04-06-2013 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by NightRider (Post 8762206)
I live in Colorado. Every time I drive the Maxima I have to avoid an accident.

:laugh: I second that. My biggest annoyance living here is tailgaters while driving through snow.

That being said, I think most of my near accident experiences are the result of me being aggressive.

Almost rear ended a car while preventing an aggressive Prius from passing me on the right. Was going faster then I should of (the max picks up speed quick in 2nd) when I noticed a bunch of stopped cars in front of me. Got very hard on the brakes and stopped just in time. No fun.

Second near accident was a late night run up lookout mountain, which is an awesome road with awesome views. Came up on a hairpin turn a little too hot and under steered way into the opposing lane coming inches within in going off the road.

A couple months ago was on my way to work, tried to squeeze through a yellow light, and found a 4th gen (in the turning lane opposite to me) had decided it was going to turn in front of me. Unfortuantely there wasnt enough time to react and my baby was totaled as a result.

Really sucked but the lesson that I learned was overconfidence and responding to agressive drivers in an aggressive manner will get you into trouble.

slo-ryde 04-09-2013 09:57 PM

Southbound driver in the northbound lanes
My near death experience happened quite few years ago as I was driving home from work one evening on the freeway. The traffic was light because I'd worked late, traffic was flowing at the limit or better. Suddenly all the cars in front of me start hitting the brakes and swerving towards the shoulder. As they moved over I saw this retard coming right at me at freeway speeds so I did what everyone else did, hit the brakes and dove for cover. It was all over in seconds but it still haunts me to this day.

The highway patrol finally managed to arrest the driver before anyone was killed, he was drunk as a skunk with prior DUI convictions and driving on a suspended license.

MaximaDrvr 04-10-2013 01:44 PM

I was driving my 91 down the highway after a rain storm. It is a section where two highways merge and I tried to change lanes. The car just started spinning. I was doing 70mph, backwards, seeing the headlights of cars coming at me. Did 2 180 degree turns, followed by 2 90 degree turns, and nearly hit the guard rail on both sides of the highway.
I looked something like ____ll_________lll_llll_llllllll________ and then I regained control and kept on driving.

BlackThornDemon 04-10-2013 02:42 PM

94 Geo Prizm, first car

I was going 70 in a 40 when I started to brake in a turn. Which (I did not know at the time) is a big no-no. As soon as I came out of the turn my front end gave out. It just swerved all over the place. I was literally head on with a tree. The only thing that saved me was my right tire catching the shoulder and swinging the entire car around. The tree ended up hitting my driver side a pillar. Had my window down, so my car hit the tree then I literally hit the tree. I hit it so hard the car spun back out into the road. Then I woke up in the back seat with my sub.

All that bs about 'time slowing down,' and 'life flashing before you eyes' is ****. All that happened in less than 2 seconds.

Beleg 04-12-2013 11:28 AM

a year ago i was driving home from college in my first car a 1996 ford aerostar cargo. there was a chevy pickup hauling a trailer in front of me going 40-45 in a 55 zone. got to a passing zone and tried to pass, well the old van had trouble downshifting some times so it took up more time to get beside him. then the driver flipped out. he accelerated hard to stop me passing. so we got up to 65 and i hit the brakes to get behind him again. however he slammed on his brakes too. his trailer started to jack knife and he started to come into my lane to trap me between him and the guard rail. about this time a dumptruck comes over the hill going about 60. i couldnt go behind the pickup he wouldnt let me and i knew the dump truck couldnt stop in time the only way was forward. the pickup and i both accelerated again him still coming into my lane. i floored it and got in front with one car length to spare between me and the still moving dump truck, and about 3 feet behind me was the pickup. btw the reason i survived is that it kicked into 2nd finally and i hit 85 in 2nd with the 3.0 liter v6 screaming like a banshee. the pickup tried to chase me but i kept the peddle down until home. Also none of this would happen now that i have the 1997 maxima passing is a breeze:naughty:

Leo_Koneval 04-12-2013 01:29 PM

Oh man, thats a scary one right there!! Sounds like he tried to get you killed.

njmaxseltd 04-12-2013 02:27 PM

This one time, when I was in band camp...

ChrisMan287 04-12-2013 02:29 PM

I just had one earlier today. Luckily I was paying attention or bye bye front end.

Amerikaner83 04-12-2013 02:34 PM


mclasser 04-17-2013 09:29 PM

This didn't happen with the Infiniti but instead with our new Honda Pilot. With my family in the car, we were driving on the interstate on Sun. at about 60 mph when a gasoline tanker truck in front of us suddenly slammed on the brakes. By slammed, I mean the tires were smoking and the thing almost jack knifed. My wife yelled to me to watch out and I swerved out of the way with literally centimeters to spare. Luckily there was no one in the other lane. I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if I hit that gasoline tanker. I am glad I aired up the tires the morning before the drive I was amazed at how composed the the boxy Pilot was when swerving and how I was in full control the entire time. Needless to say, that was some scary crap.

Stonelove670 04-17-2013 10:01 PM

Geezz... you guys have alot patient for ******* drivers, i cant even tell you how many close calls and road rage ive had i be wanting to beat people for doing dumb **** SMH. now that i'm getting older i learn to let it go and ignore people when they do dumb stuff especially while being on the phone. keep the stories coming LOL :Popcorn:

Beleg 05-05-2013 06:29 PM

Another One
so the other day i had another close one. I was sitting on a hill waiting to pull up into a busy road. A big dodge pickup with a push bumper signals to pull down into the road im sitting on. its clear both side and behind him so when he starts to turn his wheel to turn in. I make a go for it. He however changed his mind and continued straight at me. I slammed on the brakes in case he tried to swerve to avoid me he didnt and instead just hit the brakes. ended up him sitting about 2.5-3ft. from my driver side door. he waved and i waved and we went our separate ways. I was really shook up. BTW as it was happening my first thought wasnt "i might get hurt" it was "that bumpers gonna really tear up my door":laugh:

Borker 05-05-2013 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by Leo_Koneval (Post 8760874)
Anyone got any stories about barely avoiding an accident they want to share?

I've been having a string of bad luck lately, I nearly lost my 4th gen quite a few times during the 6 years I've owned it. But a week ago, I was traveling alone on a highway going 65 (A little over the speed limit, sorry :() and a car was trying to turn left across two lanes on the highway on to the opposing lane.

I guess they assumed those two lanes (the one I was on) were empty and just looked to their right and gunned it right as I was closing in, then they saw me and stopped right in the middle of the two lanes. I was headed straight towards the guy's driver's side door on what looks like a hatchback Civic. I panicked and swerved all the way over to the opposing lane and just barely missed him and oncoming traffic. I saw the guy's eyes open wide as I nearly missing ramming his door in, I was lucky I didn't spin out or have anybody next to me.

It wasn't until later that I kind of realized I was a little dumb for just blindly swerving like that but I guess it would be better to hit someone's car than kill someone. So, Phew!

But in a situation like that, what would be the "correct" thing to do? Because if I had hit someone else trying to avoid the "dude" wouldn't I be on the hook for hitting them and not the guy I was avoiding?

Don't feel bad bro, the speed limits 65 on highways generally around me lol. But anyways, your supposed to look behind in your rear view mirror and sides, keeping in mind who's beside your car frequently. I know it's hard to check frequently but this scare should really keep you alert now. :laugh:

Leo_Koneval 05-06-2013 01:56 AM

Got another one for the "what not to do" list.

Several years ago, my parents forced me to wake up at like 6AM to go and help my in law who owns a landscaping business by driving their truck back and forth dumping dirt from a job site to a dump area. And being a teenager at the time, when I am up that early it takes at least three to four hours before my brain fully powers on.

So there I was on a long stretch of road on my turboed Ford something, and I was slowly falling asleep, I caught myself; opened all the windows, blasted music, and slapped myself awake. But after a while I started falling asleep again, and this time I fell asleep without realizing it. I was actually dreaming that I was driving and fully awake, so slowly I began drifting right into a ditch which was more like a deep swamp on the side of the road and luckily it was bumpy enough that the truck started to really shake and bounce.

Suddenly, I woke up and saw myself going in and quickly jerked the wheel to the left and got the wheels back on the road. And barely avoided driving into a swamp at 40 miles an hour.

Life lesson guys, if you feel yourself falling asleep. Find somewhere and pull over, take a moment to recover. Or it might sneak up on you and getcha.

dauntlessmax 05-17-2013 01:52 PM

Was driving with my mom in D.C. through one of those residential areas that seem to have endless 4-way stop intersections. Turned out one of the intersection didn't have a stop sign (was only 2 way stop). As I proceeded, I was almost T-boned by an 80's Suburban who missed me by an inch. Gotta watch out at those intersections y'all.

Froggmann 05-17-2013 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by dauntlessmax (Post 8791914)
Was driving with my mom in D.C. through one of those residential areas that seem to have endless 4-way stop intersections. Turned out one of the intersection didn't have a stop sign (was only 2 way stop). As I proceeded, I was almost T-boned by an 80's Suburban who missed me by an inch. Gotta watch out at those intersections y'all.

Know exactly what you mean, did the exact same thing in San Luis Obispo a few years ago.

Froggmann 05-17-2013 05:41 PM

On this one I'll let the video do the talking:

Yes I was going fast, doesn't mean the idiot in the PT should have pulled out in front of me. BTW 6th gen brakes + EBC red stuff pads = a lot of missed collisions.

I have had many other occasions of people just not seeing my car (GUessing because of the color) and almost sideswiping me. Happens about 2-5 times a week. Only about half of those people are putting on makeup or futzing with their phones.

One incident in particular in which I was almost rear-ended due to having good brakes happened on my way home from work. Surface street, traffic flowing at about ~45 and some yahoo slams on their brakes at a green light. THe BMW 7 series that was behind me ended up with his door even with my front wheel by the time he stopped. the three people in front of me ended up hitting each other and the guy that was behind the BMW was on my bumper. I have no idea what happened to the moron that slammed on his brakes but it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't get a little banged up.

Froggmann 06-08-2013 01:44 AM

Today's close call:

Light turned red at just the wrong time so I had to hit my brakes hard. The person in the VW behind me never slowed down so I dodged them.

dauntlessmax 06-12-2013 09:47 AM

Damn, that 5th gen handles well :D

Looks like you would've had a totaled car and a broken neck if you hadn't swerved on time... did he get stopped?

Amerikaner83 06-12-2013 09:52 AM

what kinda dashcam you got? that's good quality

MaxMike93 06-12-2013 10:46 AM

The one notable close call I can really remember having is when in early 2012 I had washed my car and put tire shine on the sidewalls and some must have gotten on the tread of the old (I think original) tires on my I30. Went to make a left turn the next morning pretty quick at a light since I was running late for school and didn't want to miss it. Rear end started to slip out so a little opposite lock kept it from sliding into the curb. Rest of that drive was drama-free. Although in New Jersey, I may have just gotten used to having to get around potential close calls.

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