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Chester86 05-07-2008 07:42 PM

Hot Damn!!! I30 got knicked . . . . . need HELP!!!
I would just love for once to visit this forum and give a "howdy" without sharing a new problem. My I30 just got knicked on the bumper and broke its rear side marker . . so I have a few questions. I attached the pic with the post to give you folks a better idea. . .thanks and I look forward to hearing from you guys. :eek:

1. What should I use to try to remove the paint (I heard acetone with a little elbow grease should do the trick)
2. Where can I order a RED sidemarker? ( a few vendors on eBay have the part, but its orange)

Thanks folks!!

BLACKonBLACK98 05-07-2008 08:08 PM

have it buffed out. dont know on the marker.

MattB85 05-07-2008 08:28 PM

For the marker go to For the paint I'd say have it buffed out by a professional.

clayman88 05-07-2008 09:07 PM

Have you considered getting a set of clear side-markers instead of the OEM orange and red ones?

JI30 05-07-2008 10:38 PM

Wash area then try some light rubbing compound with an applicator pad and massage the area. Try not to rub too hard or keep rubbing the same area aggressivley because you could burn the paint. Use a soft cloth to wipe off.

I'm sure they're better brands like 3M but I used turtle wax's light rubbing compound and it worked good.

If any hazing or light scratches appear then use some polish with an applicator. Shouldnt need a buffer. Then protect with wax.

If you really want to be safe you could try a claybar with some soapy water. The light compound should do the trick though.

Chester86 05-07-2008 11:25 PM

Thanks!! I was planning on using acetone like advised in some other posts ive read. But, i think ill go safe with the rubbing compound. I dont want to make the paint worst than it already is. Ill keep u folks updated . .

MetaOrbit 05-08-2008 06:37 AM

All good suggestions here. Usually what I do is wash, claybar, then use my PC with some aggressive pads and polishes. But mostly because that's what I have in my garage.

As for the red sidemarker - maybe see if some folks have who swapped their rears to clears would be willing to part with theirs for cheap?

Chester86 05-13-2008 03:23 AM

Looks like rubbing compound was a bit harder to get a hold of than I thought . . .Will a basic scratch/swirl remover work??? Otherwise, I am going to order some TurtleWax Rubbing Compound .. . worked well on a similar situation I watched on Youtube. Thanks folks!

JI30 05-13-2008 10:07 AM

I think the scratch/swirl remover is more of a polish than a compound. If I'm not mistaken, polish is a lighter version of compound and normally non-abrasive. Without a professional buffer and the right pads, I doubt it will come out.

Oh you saw that youtube video too? Just dont use the heavy duty brand with paper towels like he did lol. Heres the link

JI30 05-13-2008 10:22 AM

Forgot, if you're going to order it online you might as well buy a claybar kit while you wait. You wont have to worry about any paint damage to the car if you use claybar.

If it doesnt take off the paint scrape then at least you can use it on the rest of your car to make it clean and smooth if you ever want to detail your car.

Chester86 05-13-2008 05:43 PM

JI30, looks like I will order a bit of rubbing compound with a clay bar kit also. I didnt know the clay bar was so abrasive. I was watching demos on how to use it last night . . very impressed with the results. So, correct me if im wrong . . . wash/dry/claybar/wash/dry/wax/buff off ???? Its going to take a good sat afternoon to do that. I wish I was washing my mr2 I had back in the days . . haha

Chester86 05-13-2008 05:50 PM

by the way, i usually just wash, dry, wax (meguiars liquid wax) and buff off. Looks like im not doing a fraction of what other peeps have been doing. Oh wellz. . . . time to learn! Haha thanks for the info folks! going to order the stuff now.

JI30 05-13-2008 05:56 PM

The claybar isnt abrasive but the compound is.

Wash, Rinse, Claybar while wet with running hose or squirt bottle, Wash, Rinse, Dry, Wax

I had an mr2 too lol. 91 turbo That was my last car.

Chester86 05-14-2008 04:12 AM

Hahaha I had a 91 NA Black one. Loved the car. . but when it started to fall apart. . it had to go. I still have a spare one on the driveway . . mint condition inside . . .but its been in a rear collision. what a small world!

Chester86 05-15-2008 07:32 AM

I got the side marker from . . .great service . .fast shipping. .. . very happy with their service. Just awaiting the rubbing compound and clay bar to come in. . .

JI30 06-08-2008 03:56 PM

So did it come off?

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