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The seller was great but the ECU was shipped USPS and appeared to be opened.
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Buyer ajm8127 (8)
03-05-2010, 04:28 AM
I received the package promptly. I had bought an ECU with a short section of the ECU harness attached. The item was shipped USPS and appeared to be opened mid-transit and repackaged (different color box according the seller). They must have opened it to inspect the contents (a metal box with a bunch of wires in the post office system must raise enough red flags for them to open your package). I'm all for staying safe but the idiots at USPS removed the bubble wrap and the harness from the package, returning the ECU to a box with only balled paper packaging. When I received it, the ECU was bouncing around inside the box. I will request any additional packages not be sent USPS in the future.

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