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Maxima owners age 18-30.. step inside

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Old 04-03-2003, 12:26 PM
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Maxima owners age 18-30.. step inside

I've always wondered why young men/women between 18-30 would buy a a four door sedan maxima themselves or have their parents help them out with the payments for a maxima. I mean your still young, probably not married yet with no children. Why not a sports coupe like a prelude, 240sx, integra type r, 300zx, Cl, Cl-S? Why a maxima and not something faster at this young age?

I got mine because I couldn't afford the insurance payments for a sports car/coupe at my age. The maxima was practical, decently fast, reasonable insurance rates, and I can golf with four buddies while my friend in his 330ci can only fit two bags in his trunk.

what your reason?
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:27 PM
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It was passed on pretty much, and I liked it since new
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:28 PM
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Re: Maxima owners age 18-30.. step inside

Originally posted by Larrio
I've always wondered why young men/women between 18-30 would buy a a four door sedan maxima themselves or have their parents help them out with the payments for a maxima. I mean your still young, probably not married yet with no children. Why not a sports coupe like a prelude, 240sx, integra type r, 300zx, Cl, Cl-S? Why a maxima and not something faster at this young age?

I got mine because I couldn't afford the insurance payments for a sports car/coupe at my age. The maxima was practical, decently fast, reasonable insurance rates, and I can golf with four buddies while my friend in his 330ci can only fit two bags in his trunk.

what your reason?
it's dependable and still runs great. i have an 89 GXE
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:29 PM
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Cause when you're that young it's all about cruising with your friends. Plus the Maxima was the only newish car that was any fast a few years ago. You could go with some VTEC thing or the Maxima, it's an easy decision. Now there are a lot of other cars to consider in our age group (new lancer, WRX, tl type-s, etc). Before everything was so much slower.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:30 PM
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I got mine (both) because I wanted a high(er) powered FWD or AWD car and it had to be a 5-speed.

WRX's were too much at the time, and I didn't/don't like 'em.

Having a slightly larger car (not a Honda) appeals to me as well. The Maxima just seem to "fit" me well. Drove it once and got hooked.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:30 PM
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Re: Maxima owners age 18-30.. step inside

Originally posted by Larrio
I got mine because I couldn't afford the insurance payments for a sports car/coupe at my age
my #1 reason!!!

plus it had a sporty look to it some sweet *** 15" chrome wheels Bling BLING *****!!!
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:30 PM
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eehh.........2door automatcially means you hafta be fast. 4 have an excuse, and you have the suprise factor when you fly past a 2 door sporty car.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:34 PM
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Basically even though I paid for the car myself Im still on my parents insurance and they didn't want me driving a sports car especially since its my first car. I still think I would have chosen a Max anyway. For the $17k I spent theres really no real sports car that going to be reliable. The Max is still pretty fast and sport and a lot of the time I do have 5 people in my car and they never complain about not having any room.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:34 PM
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i had a 300zx and hated it. Had a lexus and hated it. This is my 2nd maxima and no other car comes close to it. Its the best car By performance/value/reliablity/looks and ton more things. In general Nissans are better cars.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:35 PM
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I am saving for one beacuse i need a reliable car that wont kill me on insurance and is still pretty fast and decent looking. While not being too expensive in the first place, so a 95 or 96 maxima fits. Plus i like how its a sleeper. Besides i have learned so much after being around here for a year i could not even think about reseaching and buying another car.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:37 PM
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thanks to everyone for their replies. I helps in my arguments against friends that drive ls1 camaros, 300zx, audi tt, bmw, and M class benz. they always seem to ask "why a maxima?" Maybe someday when I blow past some of them they'll understand

another primary reason i have a maxima is my loyalty to the brand as my first maxima was a hand me down 3rd gen. Also, a lot of friends made through the local chapters and on the org makes me want to buy another one, especially since I don't have service issues with my dealer
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:42 PM
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got my maxima cause i like it.

i wanted a 4th gen ever since i started driving.
got a hand me down 3rd gen which was cool but nothing like my 4th gen. its my first love and my true love as far as cars go. the max is staying with me forever.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:45 PM
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When i was 16 my parents got me a 5 year old 90 SE. I absolutely loved that car. Ever since then i always wanted a newer one. I just loved the whole car, attitude, look, value, performance, etc. So I bought a 2k2 when i graduated from college and a got a new car.

Like someone else said, I drove my first one and got hooked.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:47 PM
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I have a GF and a Kid. Also, the Maxima is an all around great car, with room for people, when you haul them around.

Frank, you had a VG
Old 04-03-2003, 12:50 PM
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I always liked maximas and wanted one ever since high school. When i finally got into the market to buy one I was actually looking to buy a 3rd gen, when they offered me a 4th gen for the same price(nissan dealership) because it was a manual. I jumped on that deal and have been happy ever since. I bought my car myself with no help from my parents on down payment, insurance or monthly payments. Its going on 5 years now and in about two months.....its paid off!
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:53 PM
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I bought the maxima last year... I am now 19 years old. My cousin owned the car before me and had already done some major things like wheels. I've always envied his car because he kept it SO maintained and clean... then one day he told me he is in the market for a 2k2 M3.

With my brother (year younger than me) getting his license, and me goin to college, we needed another car in the family. My cousin sold the max for $6000 to me which i have successfully paid off last december My parents are doing my insurance tho... can't afford it when i am paying for my own tuition and college expenses

so basically i bought it because i got a good price for it and knew it was maintained well.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:55 PM
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Originally posted by dmontzsta

Frank, you had a VG


i had a choice between 94ve 5spd or 4th gen se-l.

to tell you the truth i never thought parents would help me out on a new car so i was ready to settle for a ve, BUT when they said they would rather me get a new car ha i droped the VE like a bad habbit and started looking for the perfect 4th gen for me.
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:57 PM
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too bad
Old 04-03-2003, 12:59 PM
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Originally posted by jdmmax

the perfect 4th gen for me.
you forgot the 5spd manG!!!

I needed four doors- Maxima works well

I needed a car that wasnt SLOW... so that ruled out pretty much everything else

and I wanted a car that was different than most of my peers

Maxima is the shizzle for me!
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:02 PM
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Originally posted by dmontzsta
too bad

too bad ????? wtf???????

bwuahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahah hahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahhahahashahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahhaha hhahhaHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAHahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahha hahhahahhahhahahhahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahhahah ahhahhahahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hhahahahahhaa............hahahahahahahahahahhahahh ahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahhahahahhaa

what is too bad suppose to mean?
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:03 PM
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Originally posted by jdmmax

too bad ????? wtf???????

bwuahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahah hahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahh ahahhahahashahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahhaha hhahhaHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAHahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahha hahhahahhahhahahhahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahhahah ahhahhahahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hhahahahahhaa............hahahahahahahahahahhahahh ahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahhahahahhaa

what does too bad suppose to mean?
you wouldnt understand.

its a 3rd gen VE thing
Old 04-03-2003, 01:03 PM
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The only 5 spd performance oriented car in my area when I was looking. Guy called me a week after I bought the Max about a Eclipse GS-T. Pre-owned turbo car is asking for trouble though. I would have probably rap it around a tree by now. Who knows?
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:07 PM
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Originally posted by gtr_rider
It was passed on pretty much, and I liked it since new
yeah... I GOT A FREE CAR... the money to buy a new car... would be enough for the mods I have now.... nice....
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:07 PM
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Originally posted by dmontzsta

you wouldnt understand.

its a 3rd gen VE thing
ohhhhhhhhhh ok

well you can have your 3rd gen. have fun with it.

cause you know im having fun with my 4th gen right now.

and we'll just leave it at that as not to hi jack larry's thread with another ve/vq 3rd/4th gen debate which leads to nothing but a bunch of worked up 3rd gen drivers with hurt feelings.
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:07 PM
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Didn't want to pay higher insurance. Needed a car with room to haul all my stuff and friends to college and back.
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:08 PM
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my parents love me.
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:09 PM
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In Fall of 2001, I was ready to buy a car. I wanted a 4dr automatic. I also wanted some kind of pep to it to it can get out of it's own way. It had to be around the $5,000 price range. My options were:

An old Acura Legend... like 1990.
An automatic 1992 Accord.
91-93 Maxima Auto.
1990 4dr Integra Auto (17.00)

Well, after doing a little research, I found that the 92 and 93 had a 190HP VE that did 16.70's in the 1/4 mile. Then, after doing a little more research, I found that they actually did 16.40's in the 1/4. Ok, now compare that to the Legend that was too old and had too many miles. Then, compare that to an Auto Accord that does 17.10's in the 1/4.

So, of course I choose the Maxima... VE powah!! 96K miles for $4500 in Vegas is just above loan value. Not bad! Who knew that this thing can go from 16.70's to 14.80's with just a few bolt ons. Simply Amazing!!
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:10 PM
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Re: Maxima owners age 18-30.. step inside

Originally posted by Larrio
I've always wondered why young men/women between 18-30 would buy a a four door sedan maxima themselves or have their parents help them out with the payments for a maxima. I mean your still young, probably not married yet with no children. Why not a sports coupe like a prelude, 240sx, integra type r, 300zx, Cl, Cl-S? Why a maxima and not something faster at this young age?

I got mine because I couldn't afford the insurance payments for a sports car/coupe at my age. The maxima was practical, decently fast, reasonable insurance rates, and I can golf with four buddies while my friend in his 330ci can only fit two bags in his trunk.

what your reason?
A few reasons, Its quick, just as quick as most of the other cars you mentioned, I'm tall, so most 2 doors dont have neough room for me to be comfortable. I like the looks of my 4th gen, I got it for a great price, and it was a 5-speed. And to top it off, not everyone expects the Maxima....
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:31 PM
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I'm only 25, and bought and paid for my 2K SE after I returned from Australia.... I had 3 conditions that had to be met. 1. sunroof, 2. 5speed, 3. leather...

I've always loved driving larger cars as well, so I didn't want anything honda, and the WRX is ugly and tiny... I would have gone 95/96 Chevy Impala SS, or Camaro for some larger speed.. impala I would feel guilty driving in the snow as well as the camaro so winter drivablity would be a must... I like the 300ZX as well (even though its small) but again, winter!!

So I had three choices at the end of the day, Grand Prix GTP (no 5spd tho, but nice car), Toyota Solara, nice as well, and the Maxima... After driving the Max the others just paled in comparison... For the record I looked at preludes and accords (feel cheap), and the Acura 3.2 CL and TL... don't like tiptronic and the interior I found very awkwardly layed out....

Thats my .02c
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:42 PM
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My 92 got handed down to me.

I bought my 99 because I just loved my 92. When I had my 99, I still had my DSM so i wasn't interested in buying another sports car. Then my DSm took a crap on me so I sold it. THen I started to mod the 99 and just couldn't achieve what I wanted. So I got rid of it. I would have gotten another car at that time but I was not making enough $$$.

Now I own a WRX which is my "sports car" and my Pathfinder as a commuter.

I wished my parents would have paid for my 99 or even my WRX. That would have been nice. I do need back seats as the g/f has a son.
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Old 04-03-2003, 01:58 PM
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cool.. craig mack can't post in here
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Old 04-03-2003, 02:16 PM
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Had an accord v6 coupe, but it only lasted a month and a half before a dumb@$$ drover her into a lake. One of my friends older brothers got a 98 5-speed and I really liked the look and found out how much faster maximas were than the AV6s, so I started getting upset I got an auto accord v6 while I still had her. After the AV6 went into the lake I felt I had a second chance and decided to get the better car. So I found a 5 speed 2000 and have been happy ever since. Think it looks much better than my av6 coupe. The only thing I would look at again would be for a wrx, but I hate the looks.
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Old 04-03-2003, 02:28 PM
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Re: Maxima owners age 18-30.. step inside

Originally posted by Larrio
Why not a sports coupe like a prelude, 240sx, integra type r, 300zx, Cl, Cl-S? Why a maxima and not something faster at this young age?

Last time I checked The max is faster than most of the cars you mentioned.

My reasons: I love fast sedans. And insurance is much less. Ive owned coupes and I couldnt f-in stand having to move the seats up to let people in the back.

Im not going to get a sports car untill I can afford the car and the insurance.IMO, a sports car should at least run 14s or better, STOCK.

bottom line is- I couldnt afford it
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Old 04-03-2003, 02:29 PM
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When I was 16 (back in '96) I got an 89 GXE, which lasted me until last week. I loved the car, so I traded on a 99 GLE. Had a good experience with my old one, plus you can't beat all the features on a Max. Great cars!
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Old 04-03-2003, 02:33 PM
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Originally posted by SprintMax
cool.. craig mack can't post in here
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Old 04-03-2003, 02:42 PM
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Re: Re: Maxima owners age 18-30.. step inside

Originally posted by ChillWill2000

Last time I checked The max is faster than most of the cars you mentioned.

My reasons: I love fast sedans. And insurance is much less. Ive owned coupes and I couldnt f-in stand having to move the seats up to let people in the back.

Im not going to get a sports car untill I can afford the car and the insurance.IMO, a sports car should at least run 14s or better, STOCK.

bottom line is- I couldnt afford it
I mentioned those cars because they are far easier to mod than a maxima. Thats why I asked this question because if your a young person and your buying a car with the intent to mod, why a maxima and not the cars listed in the first post? There is also the case where you didn't plan to mod and then found the org and that's where all your money went.

I just need some beef in my argument against friends that laugh at the four door sedan I have and the girls that scoff cause they think daddy's accord is faster despite being clueless on cars.
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Old 04-03-2003, 02:44 PM
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becasue on gran tursimo 1 skylines kicked ****...
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Old 04-03-2003, 02:46 PM
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Well, at 25 years old I am engaged, but not planning on having kids for at least the next 4 or 5 years. Technically, according to genius marketers, I am supposed to be drawn towards coupes with their image of independence, yet I just don't care for Coupes.

Being a fairly large framed 6'3" guy, I just don't like smaller cars. A mid-sized suits me best. And I just don't see what the point of having a mid-sized car with only 2 doors is (like the Acura CL). 4-doors are more practical, have more cargo space, and people don't have to twist themselves into weird shapes just to get into the back seat with a 4-door.

I also just don't go for the luxury brands because I could care less about image or style. The people I know and work with and might associate with do not judge me by what kind of car I drive. You really do look stylish in a bling-bling BMW 325i for $30-34k, but it does nothing for me when that car can get outrun by a V6 Camry.

Hence, I now drive and LOVE the Maxima. It is one of the best mid-sized non-luxury cars that you can get, has an awesome engine, and with the 5spd it will compete with and beat a lot of these so-called "luxury" cars. The best part is that this car is so under-estimated. People pull up in their riced out Honda's or bling-bling BMW's and think "boring family sedan." Little do they know what these cars are capable of.
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Old 04-03-2003, 03:00 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Maxima owners age 18-30.. step inside

Originally posted by Larrio

I mentioned those cars because they are far easier to mod than a maxima. Thats why I asked this question because if your a young person and your buying a car with the intent to mod, why a maxima and not the cars listed in the first post? There is also the case where you didn't plan to mod and then found the org and that's where all your money went.

I just need some beef in my argument against friends that laugh at the four door sedan I have and the girls that scoff cause they think daddy's accord is faster despite being clueless on cars.

I agree those cars are easier to mod and 10 times the aftermarket support.

That p1sses me off also. Most ignorant people automatically think the sedan is a boaty family car with no performance capabilities.

I cant tell you how many little ricey kids are like "your gonna race me in that??!!! HAHAHA." (then they get smoked and hurry and turn off down a side street or something. I even had some lame in truck at a stop light laugh and ask me sarcastically "you gonna run that thing?" and i handed him his as$
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Old 04-03-2003, 03:01 PM
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Originally posted by SteVTEC
Well, at 25 years old I am engaged, but not planning on having kids for at least the next 4 or 5 years. Technically, according to genius marketers, I am supposed to be drawn towards coupes with their image of independence, yet I just don't care for Coupes.

Being a fairly large framed 6'3" guy, I just don't like smaller cars. A mid-sized suits me best. And I just don't see what the point of having a mid-sized car with only 2 doors is (like the Acura CL). 4-doors are more practical, have more cargo space, and people don't have to twist themselves into weird shapes just to get into the back seat with a 4-door.

I also just don't go for the luxury brands because I could care less about image or style. The people I know and work with and might associate with do not judge me by what kind of car I drive. You really do look stylish in a bling-bling BMW 325i for $30-34k, but it does nothing for me when that car can get outrun by a V6 Camry.

Hence, I now drive and LOVE the Maxima. It is one of the best mid-sized non-luxury cars that you can get, has an awesome engine, and with the 5spd it will compete with and beat a lot of these so-called "luxury" cars. The best part is that this car is so under-estimated. People pull up in their riced out Honda's or bling-bling BMW's and think "boring family sedan." Little do they know what these cars are capable of.
perfect! thanks steve. Although I am only 5'6, I understand you on the whole not caring about "image or style" with cars. And thanks to everyone else for their feedback/opinions/reasons as to why they got their maximas.
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